Each succeeding month more scientists agree that climate change is real while the hypothesis of man-made global warming is wrong. The climate change seen coming is an Ice Age.
Earth slipping into next Ice Age
According to ice core researcher Jørgen Peder Steffensen: “Our new, extremely detailed data from the examination of the ice cores shows that in the transition from the ice age to our current warm, interglacial period the climate shift is so sudden that it is as if a button was pressed.”
Scientific measurements of the oceans, air and geomagnetic field tend to support the conclusion that Earth has reached the end of the last 11,500 year interglacial cycle and is slipping into its next Ice Age cycle.
The cooling sun, the melting arctic and the dead zones in the seas all support this reality, as well as a plethora of geological evidence gleaned from the data gleaned of the last two million years of Earth’s climate.
The driving factor behind planetary cooling is the sun and both NASA and the European Space Agency agree that the sun is rapidly approaching a perod known as the Maunder Minimum that will result in extended cooling on Earth. The cycle begins in 2013 and will last from 30 to 50 years.
What’s happening to the sun?
“Two prominent voices on climate change spoke up in favor of global cooling at the 4th International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago this month. Dr. Don Easterbrook, a US geologist, told the conference that whatever global warming took place in the past decade has ended and we can now expect rapid cooling ‘for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been.’
“Meanwhile Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, has predicted, based on the correlation of sunspot activity to global temperatures, that the next ice age could begin in 2014. We’re not holding our breath waiting for someone to publicize what seems so flaming obvious to us: that cometary interaction with the inner solar system is the catalyst for the observed changes in solar and climate activity.” (Excerpt)
Yet the primary questions remain: are we entering a so-called mini-Ice Age or a full blown one that can last up to 100,000 years? Unfortunately, no one can provide a definitive answer.
Whether the Northern Hemisphere freezes for 100 years or 100,000 is actually immaterial to those alive on the planet during the 21st Century. What becomes a guilt-edged priority as the northern climate cools is survival: how to deal with the myriad catastrophes that may face humanity in the years ahead.
And according to some, like Robert Felix, a full-fledged Ice Age can develop in less than a 10-year time span.
Steps to take to protect yourself if you live in the Northern Hemisphere
As the northern regions of the world cool energy will sky rocket in demand, agriculture will begin to fail and potable water supplies will shrink. The snow will build from increased precipitation and the summers will shorten year after year.
Access to food and water
Above everything else, food and water are the priorities for survival. Without drinkable water a human will dies in days. Without enough food, a human will starve to death in little more than a month.
As an Ice Age begins, livestock on farms and ranches will be devastated. Only the hardiest cold weather creatures will survive such as rabbits, squirrels, certain types of birds, and species of cold water ocean fish. Lakes will freeze over and eventually become too frigid to support edible life.
In the early stages, humans braving the northern climes will have to adapt by changing their diet and living off stockpiles of food. Many types of plants will be unable to grow as the snow and ice accumulates. Even genetically modified crops will be unable to survive significantly shortened warming periods. Eventually summers will virtually disappear in southern Canada and the northern United States, the Scandinavian countries, much of northern Europe and most of Russia.
Establishing personal greenhouses and switching to a mostly vegetarian diet will enable many to deal with the coming Earth changes in the northern latitudes, But as food becomes scarcer and more costly, many will migrate to to south where states like Georgia are predicted to have weather similar to present day Wisconsin and Atlanta will become like Chicago.
Water too will become a problem in some areas as the encroaching, unrelenting cold will cause potable water supplies from lakes, rivers and streams to become inaccessible.
Boiling snow and desalinization of water are the most likely remedies to this. Technology can be adapted as needed.
Changes in housing and energy
As energy demand escalates to keep warm against the dropping temperatures, smaller and sturdier dwellings will be built. Most buildings today will not bear the weight of crushing snow storms, evolving glaciation, and creeping ice sheets.
Homes and apartments must be fitted with better insulation, re-designed access, smaller and fewer windows that tend to allow heat to escape, and more efficient heating, air circulation and environmentally controlled self-sustaining ecological bio-systems.
Emerging technology will assist Northerners to a point, but if a full-fledged Ice Age develops regions like Chicago and New York will have to be abandoned as nothing can live under a mile or more of ice—except bacteria and viruses.
As the Earth’s climate freezes the northern regions energy from coal, gas, petroleum and nuclear power plants will be hard-pressed to keep up with demand. Despite the push back against nuclear energy, more nuclear plants will have to be built to fight back the cold. The best power source imaginable would be clean nuclear fusion reactors. Currently, nuclear fusion is still a goal. Yet fusion power may well be the ultimate answer to dealing with an Ice Age.
For many, leaving the Northern Hemisphere for warmer climes is the ultimate solution. While some may move just a few hundreds of miles farther south, others may opt to pull up their freezing roots and make a new life closer to the Equator. The climate in the Southern Hemisphere will be little affected by the ice sheets destroying the top third of the world. The biggest challenges the countries in the Southern Hemisphere will deal with are political and economic.
Chile, Peru and Brazil stand to become the winners in a new Ice Age. Their resources and emerging technologies could make them among the strongest, most viable countries in an Ice Age’s new world order. Brazil could even become the new world super power of the 22nd Century if the ice truly is on the march to the north.