Why would the us Military Cover up UFO Sightings

If Air Force pilots have been taken over by adverse alien possession then plainly they will not give up their extra-galactic buddies for cross examination on the couch with Oprah. Recent reports indicate that U.S. Predator drones televising air-to-ground photos of enemy activities haven been non-encrypted and viewed by enemies. 

Although the Predator reconnaissance data streams have not yet been known to appear on You Tube video, the possibility exists. If extra-Universal visiting aliens wreaking havoc on the nation’s economy forcing global warming gassing businesses to decimate the worlds population through secret, clandestine infusion of data streams into political bank accounts to favor gas, coal and nuclear power (that can be a good source of life on earth destroying materials) in order to make the world ready for a truly viscous extra-galactic corporate rival to Wal-Mart on Earth, it would be an insider trading securities violation for the U.S. military leadership generally to say so-in case they got the goods on the nefarious alien activities. 

The horrible truth of alien activities on Earth, if divulged, would be bad for the economic recovery from the recent recession. Patriotic military personnel must repress the truth for the common, public good. If it were known how many aliens had used public debt credit cards through covert agencies, or what the aliens charged, the public’s confidence in the alien relocation and protection program-critical to our national security-would obviously be undermined.

So, with that problem solved, the real question arises of the credibility of sub-light speed unidentified flying objects, and also of the unidentified ground objects appearing through extra-dimensional tunneling as virtual U.F.O.s at  far, vague realms of large asphalt parking lots of discount stores and shopping malls. 

These U.F.O.’s are a result of TOP $$Secret Classified Aircraft and Sub-Space Craft with invisibility technology. Mooning civil populaces as are good for airborne pilot troop morale the bizarre phenomena continues to receive votes for odd U.F.O. appearance of the decade awards. U.F.O. pilots don’t get paid good, and on the Mayan calendar that expires in 2012 they only have so much time remaining to use valuable gift cards and accumulate and spend air travel miles. Thus  U.F.O.’s stop to shop and then return before being noticed as A.W.O.L to the main base and the mother ship hovering over Afghanistan until 2011 when its funding decreases. 

U.F.O. sightings of lizard people may have no reliable authorities in the military to confirm or deny the claims. If the wicked lizard people of the planet of 20 delightful virgins with baskets of succulent grapes actually reinforce the enemy of our U.F.O. enemies it does not logically follow that they are the friends of the other, unreported or undocumented aliens. We can ask though-why should they be covered up by the military? 

With the attention of the present administration we can hope for full disclosure of any U.F.O. sighting by the vast number of special forward private observers in the Army. These are trained personnel well able to determine the intent and nature of any U.F.O. penetrations of classified air space over the Phoenix airport, Kabul, or Mumbai with the credible reports of 50,000 prostitutes for sale and living challenging lives. U.F.O. truly are a threat to global security and it might be a good thing to examine the issue at Copenhagen to determine if  they are the actual source of high altitude greenhouse gassing.