Why we Worry

We human beings like to be in control. When we feel like we are out of control, we worry and do all kinds of things to try to feel in control again. In reality, we are seldom, if ever, in control. We cannot control other people. We can only control ourselves, and some of us aren’t very good at that either. So, we tend to worry about ‘what ifs’. We project our fears onto future outcomes and go through scenarios in our head as if sorting through them or acknowledging them will somehow give us the power to determine the future.

Worry, while a natural reaction, is not helpful. We cannot predict the future, and we cannot stop it. What we can do is be present today and live our lives in such a way that those ‘scary futures’ will be less likely. It is our today that determines much of our future, but worrying wastes today while not helping tomorrow at all.

Not worrying is much easier said than done, but stopping is important to your mental health and you state of mind. One technique to stop worrying is to catch yourself at it and say STOP! (in your mind or out loud). Then distract yourself by thinking of something else or doing something different. Over time, this can help us be aware of worry and choose different alternatives to it