The scope of consideration when thinking seriously and beyond the acceptable boundaries of text, requires solitude, focus, fortitude and peace. Children, even very bright ones are considered to be odd if they’re not in constant motion and with the way things are going now, constant motion during waking hours is seen as a near holy notion. Time of quiet reading, reflection and research is thought to belong only to academia. Of course, Eintein was an academic but only by default. What else was he to do? Sell hotdogs?
There is a point one hits when one is striving to Know what is not known. It is almost euphoric and requires almost no immediate physical responsibilities. In other words, one does not want to reach that majestic otherworldly place while driving or operating heavy machinery. It does produce an “absent minded” effect. One can lose touch with reality. So my hair is matted to the back of my head. So I’m wearing pajamas. So I haven’t eaten all day. So I didn’t answer the door. So we got a new president.
In much physical activity and roaming about tending to the physical world, one can “cook” an idea which will manifest itself suddenly. However, often times one is roaming the universe and is mistaken as “lazy” or caught in inertia. And remember, it is the curvature of the heavy object which keeps us from floating off into space.
When the want of things and recognition outweigh the desire for a specific answer, then genius is whittled to a state of “normalcy” and the genius is “cool”.
Einstein was on a quest. Less motivated by contest and more motivated by the sincere desire to know. Which gave him a certain disadvantage socially, but he didn’t care, which took the emotional strain out of the entire Einstein equation.
Einstein was supra human in that he pretty much accepted who he was even though the rest of the world was scratching its head. Why would he waste time worrying about details of couture and hairstyle, when an invisible world beckoned to him? Einstein was in love with knowing and finding. It’s really that simple.
He was an individual. There won’t be “another Einstein”. But there are extremely bright people and genius’ of many talents walking this earth.
Some people view Einstein as an amoral idiot. A man who could not stay married. Not a good father. A failure with respect to his familial responsibilities. An odd looking goof ball with little social value.
If you consider the time in which he lived, you must admit that there were alot of amoral idiots who could not stay married and were not good fathers. And so, we must admit that for his incredible mind, Einstein was just a man. He was human. Fallible.
But he was not the worst clump of human flesh to hit this planet and he had conscience toward his fellow man, his future and his hope.