Why Adults believe in God and Government

Our brain is a computer.
Neurons are the database where memories are stored, synapses are the circuit board which facilitate the flow of electrons through the network of neurons. When our senses (sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing) are stimulated, they send a pattern of pulses of electrons to our brain. Each pattern is stored as an impression on a neuron in our brain. When you see a chair, a pattern of electrons flows from the eye through to the brain, through the synapses to a a neuron where that pattern is stored. The more chairs you see, the more neurons there are with that pattern stored. The more neurons created with that impression, the more likely that pattern will be stimulated the next time you see a chair, thus you recognize that object as a chair. This is how we learn. This is the same principle for learning a skill. When you start learning guitar, your database is empty of neuron impressions of how to play guitar. But through repetition of playing, more neurons are built up of how to play guitar. As more neurons are created with the impression of playing guitar, the ability to access the neurons for guitar playing is increased. Once there are enough neurons, you can play the guitar.
‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’.
Actually they don’t have to be that old to stop learning. Everyone has seen a brain, a convoluted, lumpy mass. That’s an adult brain. At birth, the brain is smooth like a bowling ball. The lumps form as the brain develops. It’s said that a newborn can’t see. Actually they can. Light still enters their eyes and hits the retinas. The light is converted into patterns and transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain. But the brain at birth is an empty database. The baby see’s mommy, but, as yet, no neurons have been created with the pattern of mommy for comparison. Thus no recognition. Mommy is indistinguishable from the wall behind her, or the table next to here. It’s all just random light since there are no previous patterns stored to compare it to. The more baby see’s mommy, the more neurons get created, when there is enough, mommy is distinguished from the wall behind her, and recognized. This is the beginning of ‘the formative years’. A child’s brain is an empty database, no clutter of neurons yet, so easy to input new information. A child can learn many languages and skills during these formative years. All information is absorbed and neurons are built at an amazing rate. But around puberty, this information absorption plummets and plateaus, pretty much for the rest of their life. The formative years are when a persons personality, and perception of life develops. What ever they have absorbed by the time that plummet occurs determines and defines their personality and perception of things for the rest of their lives. After this point, new skills and concepts can only be learned with great effort. A child can easily learn many languages because their database empty. But by the time this puberty plummet occurs, the database is so full and cluttered, it requires great effort to get any more into it. So the dog doesn’t actually have to be old, puberty is the point where it can’t learn new tricks.
Governments and Religions foot in the door.
Governments and religions have known this concept (if not the mechanics) for thousands of years. So they have manipulated society in such a way to take advantage of these mechanics to solidify their control of the masses. Children in their formative years are sent to school (it’s the law) to learn life the way the government wants them to learn it. Religion makes sure parents teach their kids what they want during these years also. Whatever children are taught during these formative years is how they will perceive things for the rest of their lives. Children believe in a god because it’s what they are taught,they don’t have enough experience (enough information in their database), to be able to reason what is and what isn’t. Adults believe in a god because the formative years have ended, the ability to think ends almost completely. What ever they have learned up to that point is the way they think for the rest of their lives. A child’s empty database is bombarded with Santa Claus, and the tooth fairy, and god(s), and that government is good, and paying taxes is right, and that police aren’t enforcers of the will of the rich, instead they are our guardians. That is all they are exposed to, and by the time they are able to think for themselves, it’s too late. Too many neurons are built with this biased information, they’ve lost the ability to think beyond these concepts. And this process has gone on generation after generation. It’s basically mass, generational hypnosis to the point every culture is a population of drones living the way they have been taught by the people that want them to live that way. The general population believe in government because the government made sure they were raised that way. Most people believe in a god(s) because religion made sure they were raised that way. They mass produced the neurons in the general population with their patterns. This is the concept of social programming. Filling those fresh databases with the information the powers that be want so they can remain the powers that be.