What Dna Stands for

The basic building block of every organism, what we are all made up of and every living thing around us is made up of. Deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic building block of every living organism. It is the basic instructions for how we are made. With out it we would not be here. It is crucial to ourselves, and the living things around us. This nucleic acid contains the instructions for not only us, but also viruses. These blueprints have instructions for producing cells. Examples of the cells produced are proteins and RNA. This code of information is also copied to RNA is a process called transcription.

A small organizational unit of DNA is called chromosomes. When DNA is divided these are duplicated. This is a very important function of DNA. It is duplicated so that new cells will fit the instructions and will fit with the re3st of the organism. DNA is a very long polymer composed from reoccurring units called nucleotides. Although each individual reoccurring unit is very minuscule, DNA polymers can be very large molecules composed of millions of nucleotides.

DNA is produced in the shape of a double helix. This shape is what distinguishes it from many other units of the body. The double helix is a right-centered spiral. As the DNA strands stretch about each other, they leave spaces between each set of phosphate backbones, showing the sides of the bases inside. Each specific base of the DNA is paired with a copy when it is separated. This is base pairing. The two types of base pairs create different amounts of hydrogen bonds, At creates two hydrogen bonds, and GC creates three hydrogen bonds.

IT would hard to imagine a world with out DNA and its basic functions of base pairing and splitting. With out this almost basic concept, we may not exist. Also every organism around us would not exists. These basic instructions of blue prints shape everything we are. They tell the body how and when to produce what it produces. When we hurt ourselves, it is DNA that tells the body how to repair itself. When we grow, DNA uses base pairing to split and create new instructions for the new cells to be produced. With out this splitting, we would not be able to grow, and we would not function as successfully as we do now. DNA is a very important biological acid in our bodies.

In science it would be hard to study other organisms with out DNA.Deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic building block of every living organism. It is the basic instructions for how we are made. With out it we would not be here. It is crucial to ourselves, and the living things around us. This nucleic acid contains the instructions for not only us, but also viruses. These blueprints have instructions for producing cells. Examples of the cells produced are proteins and RNA.