Snowrollers are naturally formed cylindrical rolls of snow. They are created by the wind and come in various sizes. Some are the size of golf balls, while others have been known to be the size of a 30 gallon drum. Normally, the average size is 10 – 12 inches in diameter and a foot long. Each one has a track where it has been rolled up by the wind, on first glance they look like a rolled up carpet. Snowrollers are usually hollow, and many can be found in one field after a really strong wind spell.
These unusual objects often attract the attention of people on their travels. People find the really large one’s particularly interesting. Certain conditions have to be in progress before snowrollers can be made. The temperature has to be around freezing, the snow must be deep and moist enough, and the wind must be strong (at least 25 mph) to push the snow. The surface must be icy so that no snow that falls on top will stick to it. Snowrollers start off as giant snowflakes, they turn into seeds of snow as the wind pushes them around. As the wind keeps moving these seeds of snow, they gather more snow, making them bigger. Eventually, the cylindrical shapes grow so big that the weight of them stops the wind from being able to move them.
The track that the snowrollers leave behind can be straight or going in different directions. Once the snowroller stops moving it can be covered in snow, then it just looks like a large pile of snow. The tracks can also be replaced by more falling snow, making them unrecognizable as the snowrollers they were at one point. Snowrollers are considered to be a phenomena that is very rarely seen. They can appear anywhere that has a great deal of snow, many have been spotted in regions of North America.
If you ever see a snowroller being formed you will think they look like tumbleweed going across a desert. The obvious difference is they are made of snow and usually found in open fields. To see one of these for yourself is a rare and very interesting experience. If you are lucky enough to see one, there will probably be much more to see in that same field. Be sure to take a picture and capture this unusual event as you may only have one chance before they melt, or get buried in snow. These unusual cylindrical forms are probably one of natures more spectacular occurrences.