Understanding Suicide

AND SO, you now come across my article and are going to read it. But WHY?

Chances are that:

1. You are currently experiencing suicidal tendencies,
2. You are currently facing and handling a suicidal situation with a second party,
3. You are a previous victim of suicidalism and are reading up as a form of concerned interest.

Okay, NOW think about this. What are the chances that a reader will fall under this fourth category?

4. You, without facing any current suicidal situation, without any personal past experiences, are interested in reading up about how to help a suicidal patient.

I apologize for generalizing, but would you disagree with me that most (not all) people hold a particular disregard and disinterest towards suicidalism and deem it as a form of weakness?

How many times have you heard people saying that suicidalists who live (failed attempts) are weaklings, sissies, attention seekers, losers, a bunch of whiners, and the list vulgarly goes on and on.

How about this one, “what a failure, he/she would have died if he/she really meant to. The loser is probably just trying to get some attention for his/her pathetic soul”

And the next thing, a suicidalist succeeded on a suicide attempt(okay, dies), leaving a note that says something like “I just needed a friend” or “when will my parents stop fighting?”

Uh huh, now what? If you fall into the category of classifying suicidalists as attention seekers, why don’t you go die now and see what attention there is to get?

So after such a long winded lecture, do I even have a suggestion as to how to help?

The whole point of the introduction is, suicidalists need help!

They DO and they are dying for it, and yes, literally dying.

The solution isn’t hard to provide, things like be sincerely concerned, be a listener, meet up and converse face to face and on and on and on which I would elaborate further later.

The problem doesn’t lie in how or what to provide, as the probability is that suicidalists who speak out have a high rate of recovery afterwards.

What we are concerned with is the cluster of suicidalists who are tired of seeking help or are trapped in the environment where their suicidal symptoms are despised and scorned at, cornering them into a condition of keeping mum about their bleeding and searing mental wounds.

And there, the gist of the entire situation is that most suicidalists die because they didn’t speak out!

The only angels who are able to save the lives of these mentally tortured patients are the surrounding people who care, friends, relatives, families.

AND, the key word is “CARE”!

For suicidalists, CARE is CURE.

When you see your teenage child unnecessarily depressed about his recent breakup with a heartless and ungrateful second half, would u have the kindness of soul and the understanding of a parent to put yourself to his level of mindset, apprehend his mental tortures at his level, and open the door to speak out and to finally release him from his apparent mental cage of torment?

First of all, are you observant enough to notice? After a long day of work, would you be bothered enough to see whether your children or even wife are behaving normally? I am not saying it is your fault. I thank you for being a wonderful parent, getting tired and vexed to provide for your family. I am just reminding you what the subject of most importance now is. And the same goes for friends and whomever are close to you. Do not underestimate the first and faintest signs of possible suicidal tendencies in the people around you. Look out for things like when they start going missing or beginning to talk about hell or heaven or afterlife or that they have lost all interest, etc.

Second step, get them to speak out. That really helps. Let them know u want to listen, and in the process of that, please also let them know that by “listening”, u mean that u actually want to understand from their perspective and that u sincerely want to provide with them a solution, that you want to really go all out and do something to absolutely solve their problems.

Tiring? You can’t afford all that time and effort? It’s really taxing and seriously? And also if the suicidalist dies, guess whose fault in handling is it? Let’s also not miss out that you’ll be scarred as a murderer in your own mind! If these and other similar thoughts pass through your mind, don’t blame yourself. PLEASE, DON’T. You’re not obliged to do so. And probably if you’re not the right person for the job, you wouldn’t be able to do a good job anyway. However, I personally INSIST that you are morally and humanely obliged and compelled to alert someone whom you feel is appropriate and genuinely cares for the patient, as well as is strong enough to do so.

You are as well obliged to tell him/her a brief of what is stated above, along with appropriate advice, with a few more advices I will include below.

1. Seek the assistance of professionals
2. Keep a close eye on the patient
3. Be understanding and compliant, the patient’s life takes priority
4. Solve the patient’s problem from the root of it, not just cover up the surface
5. Be extremely and exceedingly cautious and take higher and above recovery actions towards patients with a record.

Ending, it’s a life at stake. Life is precious. Any effort put into helping a soul escape death will definitely go a long way. Life is good! Live well, mates!

Suicidalism and Suicidalists are not proper English words, but are used for convenience of simplicity of understanding in this article.

Suicidalism refers to the general topic or situation of ending one’s life out of one’s will and,
Suicidalists are patients who suffer from Suicidalism.