Understanding Race

Pitfalls of Race

Race, in it’s self does not denote biological differences, but cultural and social differences.  There are many theories out there that speak of multi-evolutionary lines of development, and more.  Recently there are attempts to trace mitochondrialDNA factors to the roots of human development . These ideals and theories will in the end have no real effect on the current society we live in  .whether evolved from different species or from one human family line, we are all biologically human now.  Our differences, so minimal that we can interchange blood and organs and even have children together.  Race difference again,  is a cultural enigmathat although valid in it’s effect is not relevant division of society. 

The fact is that when we look at each other, we are hard wired to see differences.  We see height, weight, long hair, balding, color and more.  It is a fact that nineteenth and twentieth century media, sought out differences and displayed them as stereotypes.  Africans and African displayed as lazy clowns, Orientals as sly and untrustworthy, White Americans were heroic cowboys, Brittan’s were heroic, invincible spies! The list of how we publicly define ourselves goes on and on.  The ability of media, whether it is word of mouth, television or Internet, to effect the public vision of ourselves is extremely powerful as we know.  The defining image of African Americans in the seventies came from Hollywood’s movie portrayals.  Black actors often told to be “more ethnic”. in some countries,  African Americans  are still defined by the seventies Hollywood sterotypes.  Of course if you look at any faction of any group you can find ethnic stereotypes that do  not fit the societal norm-if in fact there is truly one such place. 

The problems arise when as a society, we begin to allow ourselves to become the image of media definitions.  While millions of young people around the world enjoy the sounds of current music.  The images associated with  music videos and  television award shows and such, have also translated themselves into reality. People dress and act the part.  Popular media defines, but is it really who we are as a people and should it be allowed to speak for every one?  Most people say “I speak for myself.”  but we all buy into images we see at some point.  Images and ideas concerning race are easy to buy into.  Look at the images, thoughts and actions the that the election of Americas first African American President evoked.

As a society, we are one people.  Why can’t that be enough?  Intellect, behavior and skill levels can all be warped environmental factors.  It is time to stop worrying about race and creating environments that allow everyone to reach their potentials.