Tips for Analyzing Peoples Handwriting

Handwriting analysis has been part of my life for the past 38 years, and I am here to tell you that it can be a very foolproof way to learn what you need to know to be able to trust, hire and get to know someone. While graphology is a science in its own right, requiring study and practice, there are a few tips anyone can use to get the basics.

For example, when I first met my life partner, I asked him to give me a sample of his handwriting, writing 4 sentences on unlined white paper, signing it and dating it. By looking at how the writing lay fairly even on the baseline, I was able to see that he had a pretty stable personality.

There were no loops when he closed his small a’s, telling me that he was not a deceptive type of person who would lie to me. The crosses on his t’s were high enough on the stem that I could tell he set good goals, but they didn’t soar above the t’s, which would have denoted an impractical dreamer.

The pressure he used to write was a good, firm pressure. Too light a touch would have signified an indecisive personality, while a very heavy hand might have cautioned me about a domineering personality.

I have analyzed so many peoples’ writing that its almost second nature to me now. When I pick up a sample of someone’s handwriting, I first observe how they “fill the page” with their handwriting, because that’s what shows me their attitude in life. Lines of writing which slant upwards will mean that the writer is an optimist; slanting down will show me that they are pessimistic. A wide right margin says to me that the person has a fear of the future.

When my subject forms their capital letters at less than twice the height of their small letters, it denotes a simpler type of personality; larger capital letters in proportion to the small ones will belong to someone who thinks more deeply about philosophy and the workings of the world.

When I owned a business, and hired employees, I would always obtain a sample of the applicant’s personality. From the way they made their n’s and m’s, I could tell whether they were a thinker (needle points) or a doer (rounded loops). If their writing strokes slanted forward, they were more of an extrovert; it the strokes were more vertical or even slanted backwards, they would tend to keep their own counsel and be more introverted.

At one point, when my daughter was dating a new guy, I caught a glimpse of the felon’s claw in a note her wrote to her the felon’s claw is a y or g whose down stroke comes down heavily and then veers up the left into a claw like loop. It’s important to actually see an example to be able to identify this occurrence. Since this stroke has been identified in prison inmates and the mentally unbalanced, I had to express my concern to her. Suffice it to say that she didn’t listen to me, and eventually had some very bad experiences with this young man who had been in a mental institution and who returned to the same facility soon after she stopped dating him.

Handwriting analysis, or graphology, has a wide following and is used by professionals who need to identify certain types of behavior. By learning a few easy tips, you can use it too. I hope it will help you as much as it has helped me.