The Benefits of Natural Lighting

After many trials and errors, the 1800’s brought the emergence of a brilliant invention; the first incandescent lamp. This little light has literally kept us out of the darkness and bygone days of fire, oil lamps, gas lights and candles. As the years have passed and scientific advances have evolved into the fast moving technological times we are now experiencing, we have found that the yellow light produced from these first dim illuminations have been proven to be counter productive and physically draining. Working under this type of lighting for any length of time causes eyestrain, and when our eyes start to feel tired and dry we become fatigued.

In this present time, after years of research, our scientific geniuses have developed what is known as Full-spectrum lighting. This is a term used for lighting that appears to be almost as natural as the light of the sun. Where the sunlight naturally filters in through the windows, it produces a calming effect. And as you walk into a room that is bathed in the light from the sun it causes you to pause and experience its soothing rays. This type of lighting has a tendency to unleash creativity and artistic tendencies.

This type of environment has the same effect on the human psyche as being near a body of water, listening to the lapping of the waves and gazing out across the sky. It soothes your demeanor and creates a peaceful and relaxing mood. Many writers take advantage of this experience to clear their minds of the rigors of daily living and to enrich their thoughts as they put their words on paper. Whatever your passion may be, the light that filters in through your windows or directly from its natural source will cause you to stop and bask in its medicinal touch.

Architects use the essence of natural sun light as a tool in their planning of window placements to bring the illusion of space into a room. The use of skylights has been very popular in capturing this type of light. Feng Shei designers also incorporate natural lighting into their elements of design. Natural lighting creates a peaceful environment and is healthy, energizing and uplifting.

Full-spectrum is a term applied to artificial lighting, creating the next best thing to natural sunlight. This lighting can also be healthy and have the same calming effect. Full-spectrum lighting has replaced the traditional lights in most work environments. Employers find that their employees have better visibility and produce better quality work with full-spectrum lighting.

Lighting up our lives with this light is the next best thing to our natural light source, the sun; the only difference between artificial lighting and sunlight is artificial lighting is cost bearing, but the sun’s natural light is free.