The Anatomy of a Hurricane

It has become apparent that recent climate changes are contributing to more severe storm systems, but none can be more devastating or costly than the fury of a hurricane. These massive slow moving storm systems have the potential to cause severe damage from both the sustained wind velocity, and the more devastating element known as the storm surge. Some would compare a hurricane to a tornado or many other cyclonic storms, but a hurricane is unique, and it is defined by specific components that make up the monster of all storms the Hurricane!

What is a Hurricane?

A hurricane is a massive storm system that can contain sustained winds of an extreme velocity. Hurricanes or tropical cyclones can span as far 600 miles across, and travel at a sluggish pace of 10-20mph when traveling over a wide body of water. Hurricanes like tornadoes do harvest powerful and damaging winds, but are uniquely separate in the way that they are formed. I recommend checking out a satellite image to fully understand what a hurricane looks like, because to the naked eye it does not appear any more different than a severe thunderstorm.

Nuts and Bolts:

Hurricanes can be classified as a tropical storm, but with specific added meteorological conditions that produce a significant rotational affect. These storms gather heat and energy through direct contact with warmer ocean waters, which fuels the counter-clockwise rotation. As the tropical storm passes over a body of open water with the temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit or more, it can consume the released humid air as it rises up, which fuels the process that causes the vapor to condense.

All hurricanes or cyclones have properties proportional to low atmospheric pressure nearest to the surface. The classification of hurricanes is dependent on the amount of vapor that is being condensed, which distributes heat vertically around the storm. Physical forces such as the rotation and gravitational pull of the Earth, all contribute to causing the circular spinning known as the Coriolis effect, which also determines the trajectory of travel. Most cyclones or tropical storms are driven into hurricane proportions by the deep convection that is constantly fueled by the warmer temperatures in the water.

Hurricanes are also made up of bands of rain and thunderstorms that spin cyclonicly toward the center, which is called the “eye”. Strangely enough it is not uncommon for periods of calm to occur between these layers or bands of rain, and even tornadoes are possible within the outer region of a hurricane. The components that make up a hurricane are specific, and without these elements will most likely never reach a classification as a full-blown hurricane!

The Eye of the Storm:

The most significant and predominant component in a hurricane is the “eye”, or the “calm”, as some hurricane hunters have often called it. The eye is relatively calm, without clouds or heavy winds, but on the surface of the water the eye can be quite turbulent and violent churning can be found. Extremely intensified storms can also exhibit a naturally occurring curvature on the top of the eye wall, and as it folds inward to the eye, it can look like the top of a sporting event stadium, which conveniently spawned the term, “The Stadium Effect”.
The circular eye is a magnificent sight when viewed from the safety of a satellite image, but the larger the eye, can often mean a more intense hurricane. Hurricane researchers actually use special atmospheric gathering equipment on-board large planes that fly deep within the storm, penetrating the eye so they can accurately measure the force winds of the eye wall surrounding the eye. I watched a program once where a hunter was quoted as saying “traveling to the eye is like going through hell, but once inside it was like heaven opened up to a circle of paradise, with clear blue sky and sunshine, but that hellish black wall of fury was only a couple hundred feet ahead”!

The Eye Wall:

If the eye of a hurricane is considered to be the “calm hush”, than the eye wall would be the “Lion’s roar” of this storm formation. Notably, the eye wall has the most significant gale force winds within the cyclonic storm system of a hurricane. Devastating winds can gust up to 225mph during this higher classed storm type, such as the fateful hurricane Katrina. The eye wall is like a large circle of unstable thunderstorms surrounding the eye of a hurricane that is in a constant circular motion, intense rainfall and turbulent winds are pulled inward toward the upper regions of the storm clouds over-top of the massive system. Once a hurricane hits landfall there are a great deal of conditions like wind and rain fall, but the passing of the eye wall results in the highest level of devastation associated with a hurricane.

Storm Clouds:

The storm clouds play an important role within a hurricane because they are needed to provide sufficient cover to assist in cooling the ocean, this will cause a dramatic drop in the surface temperature, which can cool a large body within a few days. The clouds in a hurricane are in concurrent motion towards the center due to the up flow, and downdraft that creates the motion within a hurricane. As air is released its moisture is expelled at great altitudes through the top (chimney), of the storm. The outflow of this succession produces a thin bulk of cirrus clouds (thin wispy clouds).

Rain Bands:

Within the eye wall in the outer regions of the most violent part of the storm you will find thick bands of rain. These bands may move in a spiraling motion, but are capable of producing large micro-bursts of wind, or downpours of precipitation. Between the bands are areas of calm, like thin layers they make up the better part of the eye wall. The rain bands act as a catalyst to the storm engine providing a great deal of strength that causes the massive rotation. Most of the precipitation is gathered through convection as the storm passes over warmer water temperatures in the ocean.

Storm Surge:

The storm surge is sometimes considered the most destructive force within the midst of a hurricane. The forceful storm winds push against normal tides, forcing them to move faster along the surface. As the waves of water gather more strength, the larger walls act like a sail, which causes them to gather more water, and proportionately more height. A succession of storm surges can cause greater coastal damage, lifting boats and other craft onto dry land, eroding coastal banks, and even washing out entire buildings or other coastal structures.

Scientific Measurement:

Using Doppler radar, barometric pressure readings scientists and meteorologists can determine the severity of a storm, which can be measured using the Beaufort Wind Scale.

In 1805, Sir Frances Beaufort, created the scale, although the conception of the scale has long since evolved since the induction of it’s use in monitoring ocean based storm systems. Each scale measures different variances in both wind speed, ocean and land conditions.
The scale itself measures wind speed surface conditions and the level of danger that could be present.

Ranging from zero to twelve, only the eleven and twelve are considered violent class storm systems, which can cause immense damage to sea crafts and structures that are inland. When a hurricane reaches a category twelve it can be characterized as tropical storm.
Class twelve storms (hurricanes) come in five separate sub classes within the hurricane scale, and are dependent on the speed or velocity of the storm.

Class 1: This hurricane is still a weaker system but can still cause moderate damage with wind speeds ranging between 64-72 knots (Nautical miles).

Class 2: This hurricane is a stronger tropical cyclone and can begin to cause moderate to medium damage. Larger storm surges, and sustained winds can range between, 73-85 knots.

Class 3: This storm is now classed as a major hurricane; medium to heavy damage can precede this storm type. Large waves and storm surges are evident and wind speeds are now ranging between 86-99 knots.

Class 4: This class is still considered a major hurricane but it is also now considered a severe tropical cyclone. Heavy to major damage can occur, large sea swells and surges are present, and wind speeds are now between 100-119 knots.

Class 5: This class is the mother of all hurricanes, moving into the Super Cyclonic storm class. This super typhoon is capable of major to extreme damage, massive storm surges and sea swells can cause major damage upon hitting landfall. These class storms range in speeds from 120 knots and beyond.

So far there has been no class six category used, although within the last three years, hurricanes have pushed this envelope, possibly creating a newer class of storm system.

Unfortunately super class storms like hurricanes are increasing both in intensity and frequency raising the question whether global warming is fueling this detrimental increase. Hurricanes like Katrina shows us that we are not fitted to protect ourselves from super storm classes, which is the main focus of many of the studies being conducted on hurricanes. As hurricane season rears its ugly head again, scientists are speculating that the intensity of these super storms are going to continue increasing, as long as the ocean temperatures continue to rise.

Tornadoes, hurricanes and other severe storms are on the rise, and a new breed of storms may be the result if we don’t reverse the effects of global warming. If not there is a good chance we might just see category six and seven storms, bringing a whole new level of destruction that no aid or preparation will help. Hopefully it is not too late, and the world will never see such a catastrophe.