Taking Risks and Living our Values is Critical in Developing Confidence

Achieving self confidence is not a matter of financial investment or purchase. We cannot go to a store and buy confidence nor can we go to the bank to save or store it. And I am not sure we can achieve it as achievement is a matter of doling something that was not previously done.

Perhaps, a better word for a higher level of confidence is that is it is emotional and spiritual in nature. When suffering from self confidence, our mind is telling us that the challenge before us in beyond our capacity. Often, we believe what the mind is saying without proof.

Here’s a story that meets this challenge: An elderly man yells up to heaven and says, ” God, please can I win the Lottery”? Three months go by and he doesn’t win. He then goes on his knees and screams : ” God, please i have never asked you for anything, can I please win the Lottery”? A voice thundering above yells, ” The least you can do is buy a ticket”.

There is a financial theory that has application here and it is as follows: “Reward is in proportion to the amount of risk we are willing to take”. The core to attaining a higher level of confidence is to expand our comfort zone by taking the risk of projects and/or tasks that we have not yet accomplished. Personal example: I have taught Business Presentation at a major corporation for twelve years. When I go and deliver the next Seminar, there is virtually no guarantee that I will be successful. I am confident, however, because or previous success with the corporation continuing to rehire me.

Attaining higher levels of self confidence is a byproduct of a higher level of self esteem. How can we minimize the roller coaster ride of esteem fluctuating from day to day? Suggestion: Remove the obstacle of the external demands of society and replace it by living from the inside out. The person living from the inside out is not dependent on the approval of people but is living a values driven life making all behavior choices with that ideal in mind. This behavior is also the practice of integrity by a soul that is no longer split between what the world wants and what we know is best for us.

Will either of these ideas work for me? Obviously not if the activity is limited to reading its words. Suggestion: Consider the value of its content and make creative changes that suits you inidividual circumstances. I wish you a greater feeling of confidence in your life’s challenges in your personal and professional life!