Taking Control of your Life how to be a Survivor instead of a Victim

Give yourself a day to grieve over being a victim. The next day, wake up with a positive attitude, everything is fine, it is okay, it is happening for a reason, for my own good, and work as hard as you ever can in the history of your existance.

Start working out, go to therapy, talk with supportive people but not about the event, go to church, start school again, volunteer, learn a language, brush up on computer skills, read any self help books you can find. Pretend everyday is an exam, and you are going to ACE it. Put pressure on yourself. Work your tail off. Clean your house or apartment, give yourself tasks to do. Make them up. Watch inspirational movies, tv shows, and listen to music that inspires you. Breathe deeply.


If you lost a job, you did not lose your head. If someone is saying rotten things about you. IGNORE it. It will be taken care of in its own time. If one of the people who have made you this “victim” contacts you and you cannot ignore them ( I think that is the first choice), then treat them with love, kindness, and have mercy on them.

Talk to God or your source about everything. Ask Him to help you. Allow Him to guide you and show you mercy, and mercy toward the people or circumstance that have made you this victim. Ask Him what He wants you to do. Forgive everyone and everything (yourself included), and pray for good things to happen to everyone, even those that are not on your side. Pray for your success at all times.

Shout out bible versus or sayings that you read that make you feel strong. Say these things all the time.

Do yoga, meditate. Eat healthy. Whatever gets you through, is whatever gets you through.

Work hard in every area, becoming stronger in mind, body, and spirit. Never, ever give yourself an choice.

I have watched shows where people have overcome horrific conditions, or huge obstacles. I believe they all have a common bond. They did not give themselves a choice. They were going to get what they wanted in their lives, and the other choice of not getting it was not an option.

If it is very painful, ask God or your higher source to help you make that first step. And then keeping asking for more steps. More and more steps will follow. Bit by bit.

And most importantly, as I learned from a hardworking friend who refused to be a victim a long time ago. “Get your crap done.”

Shove all the other crap, victim crap, in a black box. And there it will remain.