Spring Wild Flowers to be Found on Marshy Ground

 There are a variety of spring wildflowers to be found growing on marshy ground. Some of these wildflowers include Bluebells, Anemone, Bugle, and Stitchwort. The Bluebells carpet the marshy areas during the spring season. They are one of the most common of spring wildflowers. The Spider Lily is another wildflower that is common in low and marshy areas. The Spider Lily can grow to about three feet high. These wildflowers favor the marsh soil because of the peat, marl and sand. The Arrow Arum is another type of wildflower that grows in the marsh. The Arrow Arum can grow both in saltwater and freshwater marshes.

The Pickerelweed is a freshwater marsh plant that can grow up to four feet tall. This plant produces a blue-purple flower and it has pale green heart-shaped leaves. The Marsh Hibiscus is another plant that grows in the marsh during the spring season and it is a highly favored ornamental plant. It can grow up to twelve feet high. In marshes where the saltwater and freshwater interconnects, this is where the Narrow-Leaved Cattail makes its home. This plant has a smooth velvet texture and a variety of wildlife and geese feed on it.

The Salt Marsh Mallow is another beauty that grows in the swamp and marsh areas. This flower is about three inches wide with beautiful pink petals. Nature lovers or wildflower hunters can also enjoy seeing black needle rush, salt meadow cord grass, and saw grass within this area. 

Water lilies are also common in swamp and marsh areas. Swamp Milkweed or Marsh Milkweed also grows in these wet areas. This plant produces pink, red or white flowers. It is called milkweed because the sap of the plant is milky. Sneezeweed is another plant that produces a flower and likes to grow in moist areas. This plant is a member of the Aster family.

The Speckled Alder grows in swamp areas and marshy areas as well. This plant also produces it’s flowers in the spring.  It has multiple stems and the leaves grow on twigs. It is in the birch family. The Marsh Marigold is another wildflower that blooms during the spring season and grows in these wet areas. It can grow up to two feet tall and it is quite similar to a buttercup. They have a very beautiful golden color.