Possible Consequences to Society of a Seti Success


This is the least information we would derive from a SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) success, yet the most profound. Likely to rock our society to its very core and possibly fracture it into opposed camps that would violently clash. We might look back with longing on the comparative peace of today’s world of terrorism and relatively small-scale warfare.

No matter how indisputable the evidence, many religious fundamentalists will refuse to believe it, claiming it a hoax deliberately perpetrated to try to undermine their religions. The hardcore believers in UFOs of extraterrestrial origin will take it as evidence that they are right, that secret government agencies have indeed been conspiring to suppress news of alien visitations. And many in the general populace, having been raised on science fiction movies depicting alien invasions, might fear such an eventuality was just around the corner. Even those with no firm opinion may find themselves forced to join some camp or be attacked by all. It has happened before, for example in the break up of Yugoslavia after Tito’s death and the end of the Cold War; with most Bosnians, Serbs and Muslims fighting and killing each other even though they didn’t wish to and had previously been friends and neighbors.

All of that might occur just from SETI detecting a communication, decipherable or not, that is NOT directed at us. If SETI detects a message that is aimed at us and we can translate it, the situation may become worse or it might become much better. It would depend on the content of the message.

A message saying “We are on our way” would certainly throw governments and corporations the world over into chaos. Are they coming to attack us because they have detected us and their religious beliefs allow for no other intelligences in THEIR galaxy. Or are they coming to trade with us or gift us their scientific knowledge, threatening the stocks of any and every company, even the food producers.

But knowing they are on their way might at least foster cooperation and a wait and see attitude. The religious fundamentalists might prepare themselves for the invasion of demons rather than attack everyone else. National governments might give the United Nations some actual power, even turn it into a World Government to present the extraterrestrials with a united front. The corporations might see no point in continuing competition and actually work together to raise the standard of living for all. Well, that last one is probably not very realistic, but one can wish.

If it is a message supplying large amounts of scientific theories and information it could provide a massive stimulus to the economy. Although again, the stock market would go through a tremendous upheaval and many companies would fail while others including many start-ups flourished. SETI sites are worldwide, so the message would almost certainly be available to all countries and corporations. Research scientists with the potential to translate, understand and develop technologies from the data would get funding beyond their wildest dreams. How such a flood of technology might affect human society is beyond knowing.

Or it might just be a simple message saying “Hello, we have noticed you and thought we would let you know we are here!” or something to that effect. Which would probably have the same effect as detecting signals not to us, no matter how friendly the tone.

Whatever the societal effects a SETI success might bring, if we are not alone we SHOULD know it. For many in this world without strong religious convictions, that knowledge could bring a strengthened sense of belonging, of there being some purpose behind the Universe’s existence. After the upheavals we might settle into acceptance. And find a renewal of the pioneering spirit. Knowing we are not alone could inspire us to get up off our planet and explore!