Hello, all. Time has been defined in many ways, but I don’t feel that time should be considered so abstract. Is air abstract? Even if you can’t see it the answer is no. Is deoxygenated blood abstract? Though you can’t feel it and probably never saw it the answer is no. Yet we consider time as abstract as a dream. Here’s something to get us all on the same page. When you sleep and have a dream, doesn’t a whole lot of time seem to elapse? I’ve had dreams of the occurances of anywhere from a day to a lifetime only to wake up, look at the clock and find that only a couple of hours had gone by. Furthermore, did you ever sleep without having a dream? You just go to sleep at 10, wake up, look at the clock, and somehow it’s 6am. If you can relate, then you should agree that we feel and see time even more than some of the things we consider concrete.
So what is time, an alternate measure of space like the cubic inch? Yes. But theres so much more to it. Time measures the the length of a dimension that cannot be measured in inches, feet, yards, or even lightyears. In fact, it is even safe to say that time, like lattitude, longitude, and altitude, is a dimension(as explained by Kitty Fergusen, author of ‘Black Holes in Space’). But let’s get deeper into it. Space is vast(super understatement) and has no planar makeup whatsoever so there is no length, no width, no height, just distance and time. As light travels across space its path is altered by the gravity of nearby planets and stars. This means that, unless we actually fly through space ourselves, we are not even certain of all the distance caculations in the textbooks. Why? Well, we see according to how light emits or reflects from an object. When you see a star, you’re seeing the light that traveled centuries to the spot in the sky at which you are looking. But if the light was bent along the way, then there’s no assurance that you’re looking straight at the star. It could’ve literally taken a few turns along the way to a completely different point, and at that distance travelling just a tenth of a degree off course could land you lightyears off from the mark. So the only sure dimension in space is time.
However, I personally feel that time is also a form of energy. When things perish they have no time left. Fruit is bound to spoil, so is milk, it takes time to mature or grow. So many examples. But then, if time is energy and energy cannot be destroyed only transferred, then where does lost time go? The answer is simple: Time fuels all existence simultaneously. Picture a computer room. The building’s generator is powering all the pc’s. When you turn one off, does the energy it was using leave? No. And do all pc’s go off just for that one? Nope. To make it simpler, let’s just say that all things have it’s own capacity for time energy. Fruits and milk have lower capacities than animals and humans.
I believe that God created all sorts of systems for all sorts of things and time is probably his most abundant creation ever, seeing that he and it set the bar for lasting and longjevity.