Mosquitoes Live in Rain Forests so why are they not Killed by Massive Raindrops

Actually, there are a few false presumptions within this question.  First of all, mosquitoes can fly very well in the rain.  Their tough exoskeletons make them resistant against raindrops.  Represented by roughly 3000 species, mosquitoes can also be found nearly worldwide.  The only continent on which they do not appear is Antarctica.

The mechanisms by which a mosquito can hide and stay alive when it rains are many. First, a mosquito’s hard exoskeleton helps to protect it from blows which are many times stronger than the average person might think that something that tiny could tolerate.  Secondly, mosquitoes can dive into grooves or holes in tree trunks or hide under things like leaves or rocks.  Mosquitoes can also take shelter in buildings, provided that a human or a hungry spider does not find them.  The far bigger dangers to mosquitoes when it rains are actually drowning in a mud puddle or being stuck on the ground, unable to fly, which can happen if the insects become injured, tired or disoriented.  A downed or injured mosquito is also much more likely to be scooped up by a predator like a bird, possum or even a cat.  A mosquito could even get caught in a spider’s web while trying to find shelter from the rain, but that could almost as easily happen during any other type of weather.

Even when it rains heavily in notoriously wet cities such as Seattle or Dublin, one still does not find millions of dead mosquitoes all over the ground.  The reason for this is that mosquitoes in a city do the exact same types of things which their rain forest counterparts do.  Mosquitoes who do live in rain forests can seek shelter from the rain just like any other mosquitoes do, by seeking refuge under branches, rocks, in people’s homes, in knots of trees etc.  Rain forests also do not always have truly massive drops of rain. In fact, the drops themselves are frequently fairly small, or even just a light mist.

Not all rain forests are tropical, either.  Temperate rain forests are found in cooler parts of the world, like parts of China and the Pacific Northwest.  Rain forest accounts for roughly 6 percent of worldwide land, but because of deforestation, rain forest is becoming much less common annually, to the tune of approximately 1.5 acres lost per second. Rain forests can also go through periods of drought. In several parts of the world, much of the land previously described as rain forest is slowly but surely turning into desert. 

For more information about either rain forests or mosquitoes, a person can visit sites like National Geographic or  Helium also allows writers to donate money from certain articles to a variety of charities which help to protect various ecosystems and their wildlife.   Other groups which help to protect the world’s rain forests are Amazon Watch, the World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace and the Rainforest Action Network.