Magnetic Driven Superstorms could Kill Thousands

During mid-April 2011 the United States saw an increase in superstorms.

And as the storms worsen thousands may die.

The monster storm that pummeled 14 states during a 72-hour outbreak generated winds clocked at more than 100mph in some regions and spawned an incredible 266 tornadoes—making it the largest number of tornadoes in history.

Yet barely a week later that superstorm was dwarfed by another that unleashed widespread ruin rarely equaled outside battlefields.

Be warned: the superstorm cycle has just begun. As the sun changes and the magnetic field continues to warp the solar magnetic flux will continue to increase and so will the fury of the killer storms. Their intensity and frequency will rise.

Rise of the superstorms

Superstorms first emerged during the latter half of 2010. The savage storms hit with an intensity never before seen and experienced. They lashed northern Europe and battered the reeling Brits. Then America was broadsided by a blizzard unlike any ever seen. A weather mass virtually stretched across the entire continental United States and caused havoc in more than two-thirds of the country. Parts of the Midwest and Eastern seaboard where brought to a complete standstill as the infrastructure began to splinter and fail.

Then the winter ended and the storms increased in intensity. Two superstorms whipped across the back of America leaving massive destruction and death in their wakes.

The last days of April 2011 were visited by a storm the magnitude of which left even jaded meteorologists shaken.

In a span of just 48-hours a wide swath of the USA was inundated, split asunder, devastated by more than 600 killer tornadoes and winds exceeding 100mph.

A mile-wide tornado cut a path of destruction through several states as it traveled 370 miles over the countryside.

More than 300 people were killed.

Imagine that lasting longer than several days but weeks, eventually months.

Yes, Earth changes are upon humanity and the great bulk of the masses are unprepared for the climate Armageddon that’s coming.

The discredited hypothesis of man-made global warming is dwarfed by the escalating violence of a changing world. Many experts now agree that the impending worldwide climate change is driving the planet into a new Ice Age. Whether the Ice Age is a relatively benign min-Ice Age or one that will span 100,000 years is unknown. Most favor a cooling period of brief duration, perhaps only a century or two.

Yet even a short-term drop in average climate temperatures can spell doom to whole countries and forced migration of some populations that seek to continue living.

Climate is driven by the sun, as a recent NASA study has confirmed. That the sun is about to enter an extended period of cooling, the experts have little doubt.

What it means

As the climate changes accelerate, some areas will experience severe, historical droughts. Other regions will be inundated with much higher amounts of precipitation…and it’s increased precipitation more than lower temperatures that tends to shift the Earth into an Ice Age.

Crops will fail and become more difficult to grow. The summer months will contract and become much wetter and cooler. Famines will break out across the great agricultural belts of the world from southern Canada south to the breadbasket of the US Midwest to the normally temperate zones of Europe and the grain belts of the Ukraine and southern Russia. China too will be affected as will most of the Northern Hemisphere to a greater or lesser degree.

Technology and advanced farming techniques may be able to reduce the worst impacts initially, but as the precipitation increases flooding the farmlands and the cooler temperature result in stunted, dwarf crops, the price of commodities will double and triple and then triple again.

Food shortages will become chronic; more governments will fail and fall.

The early signs of the unrest in the Middle East, Africa, the United Kingdom and parts of Asia are all being driven more by food shortages and prices than the political agendas the media focuses its spotlight on.

Those in the know are urging people to become small farmers and turn backyards or empty city lots into vegetable gardens.

Yet that is, at best, a very short-term solution to a longer range problem.

The problems encompass the advancing Earth changes, the magnetic field flux, creeping cooling across the Northern Hemisphere, the dead husks of once robust crops, burgeoning superstorms at war with human enclaves, an increasingly erratic sun, and the potential fall of Western civilization.

Naysayers of these bleak scenarios may respond, “Well, other than that everything’s great.”

Yet as surely as the solar system plunges through the galaxy into unknown regions of space, the Earth too is plunging towards a future of instability and looming catastrophes.

But then, as some say, other than that everything’s great.