Is Time Travel possible

More Why Than How

Every thought that is not associated with the present is time travel. If you think of a specific time and place and occurrence in the past you are establishing a link between the present and the past. Incidentally both the present and the future are considered antonyms to the past. Though it does not seem temporally symmetric to me. Consider the relativity of the moment. That particular instant is moving away from you in both time and space but even your frame of reference, which is your now, is moving forward at that same rate.(Coincidence that it is at the same rate the universe is expanding?)

Let’s take your first kiss for example. Lets say it happened on July 11, 1977 at 3:33 P.M.. Every second that passes is another second in time/space that you are removed from the event. Even if you are standing in the exact same place on earth it is still not in the same place the earth was in at that date and time. For the planet(and the solar system) continues its orbit around the center of the Milky Way.The event is also moving away from you at the same rate you are moving away from it.

If you are moving towards an object it is in your future.The present or concept of the present by the individual is localized. The object is not in your present until it is within your reach. If you make physical contact with that object then you are both moving parallel through time/space.

If you are moving away from an object it is in your past. Time and space is filling in the distance and time between you. In the form of odd and even temporal compressions. Ones and zeros. Both Time and space are binary. One is odd but universal and can be used to represent sets. Zero is even and the great equalizer. How? Because anything quantitative gets voided by it’s interaction with the almighty zero.

Consider yourself in the present as Point A. Consider point B as the never exact halfway point between you and point C, where and when the event took place. No matter how precise your measurement of time, even down to Planck time, there appears to be only two states. Two conditions of time, harmonic or melodic. Harmonic condition of all things temporal consist of identical course of action. Synchronous event. Melodic condition of all things temporal consist of a serial course of action. A sequential event chain. Big events always start out as little events.

Though it may seem like I’ve done little to enlighten you, the reader, as to the dynamics and paradoxes associated with time travel in the sense of being physically transported into another time. But I believe the motive(s) for even considering going through with it is a more important consideration. Let us say the mechanics of such a feat is the easy part. That all you had to do was combine a Hieronymus machine with a video camera so you could literally have a window into the past. Similar to, but a more advanced version of what a scientist named George de la Warr, head of a huge of laboratory in Oxford, England did. He put a piece of ordinary photographic film into an opening in the device and after a few minutes, removed a picture of his wife and himself on their wedding day, 30 years before. What you would effectively have then is a wormhole. Then all one would need to do is use holographic technology to cast a hologram of an object guinea pig, or human for the truly adventurous, back upon the source thus putting the subject’s molecules out of phase. Allowing one to more easily compress all the data along the sagittal plane.

Easy enough, but why and where would you go if this technology only allowed you to go into the past only as of yet? For what purpose other than nostalgia would you want to go back to? Back to that first kiss? Perhaps to warn yourself of the impending bout with mono? You would not know the full consequences of that action because you don’t know which small decision was life changing. By changing your life, you change the lives of those around you. Time is quantitative and cumulative, a whole time-line might get corrupted along with many others intercepting it. Again motive is the critical factor. If you are satisfied with your life and would not use the technology for anything as immature a getting rich. Then your primary goal would be to help the world then.

If you were not bound by paradox. If you could alter the course of events without consequence. If the rule of cause and effect no longer applied to you. You would still be doing, what in my opinion, no-one on this planet is qualified to do and that is making decisions for not just someone else, but millions of someone else. Their fate would rely upon your expertise, wisdom, and knowledge. They would be affected by your fears, doubts and mood swings. No-one is qualified to do that nor should be.Their qualifications, their credentials will always take a back seat to their human nature.

The primary motives for time travel will always be to change yourself or condition or the world or its condition according to your beliefs and considerations. It would always be personal no matter how objective one claimed to be. Furthermore, judging by from what I’ve seen. The majority of our disregard for events and conditions in the present nominates each and every us as the least likely to succeed in making any positive real difference in the past. We are in the process of forfeiting our place in the future and unless everyone goes back in time simultaneously. Unless everyone makes a conscious decision to change their course of action as one, as a complete set. Then we have no business empowering a single individual with such responsibility. It it not fair to him or her. And it is not fair to the rest of us.