Is Time Real or Relative under the Sun – Real

Time is a runaway train… Here today and gone tomorrow. Somebody else’s all over this planet in what they fit into that space in their world. Go west and you go backward from the International Date Line. Go East and you go backwards! Go far enough back West and you go into yesterday. Go far enough, forward East and you also go into yesterday. And somewhere in between this measurement here on earth, is somebody else’s today all round the world. That should make it Relative, but for those who have to live in the real world, it is very real.

Their very Lives revolve around one little instrument: and whether it is Mr Bongo on flight to his meeting in Hawaii from Australia – which is at 10 am on a Monday morning – he must allow for 8 hours back in time, to be there. Or is Mr Vandenberg from South Africa is meeting his brother in Australia, he must work his time around that thing called The Time Zone, and allow for 8 hours forward in time, for his Australian arrival. Backwars ? Forwards?

A billion masses of microscopic, robotic life in fast motion, moves through Time, as traffic stops and starts at each traffic light, while computerized clocks tick to time every second. Directing everything from people to cars, buses, trams and trains, all which must run on time to commute, between work, and home, and anywhere else on earth they streaming to, because that is their time table of life.

Others move to a different clock called day and night, with no face and only the rulers of natural forces which the cow tells the dairy farmer, she must free herself of the burden called milk, at least twice a day. While others of the deserts must rise with their time to beat the sun before the heat of day. And even as many who move by night in turn… know their time, be they man, animal, insect, birds or any, in nature’s time.

The salmon know when it is time to return to the source upstream in their rivers from where they began – to breed, to die – and start a new cycle of time and life. The coral know the time of the seasons and the moon and when to spawn. The bears and all who hibernate know their time. In the icy poles, the penguins know theirs, even after all the time which goes by in between – partners for life – and till death do they part. There is not enough time to go into all things, in this short space.

But moving onto the Elements – called Nuclear – even they have a time. A Life and half a life of so much measured time. So, as Relevant as it all must seem, here on earth, Time is a measurement. To some very short, and to others, more than a life time. For as long as we are under the sun, there is a time for everything. A Relative paradox, which rules almost everything moving on this planet. And by which – if we deny it – we have not even begun to live… when Time is measured on earth.

To measure it in Outer Space is non existent. For as yet there is none which can measure it the same: except to still use their earthly time. Take that away, and no-one could call it Time. It would them become a dimension of Specifics, relevant to its given Field. It is ‘man’ who needs to measure, and so Time is his to determine. This is it’s paradox and it’s Reality.