Is Time Real or Relative – Real

Time, time has come to pass. Time.The so called fourth dimension. I think that time, as we experience it, is actually an illusion. It is some kind of quantum effect caused by some kind of exclusion principle similar to the Pauli exclusion principle that acts on particles like electrons at the microscopic level. It could even be an extension of this in much the same way that the strong force and Vanderwal’s force is.

Think about this simple principle. consider you are siting at the movies, and a friend comes along. Now it is blindingly obvious that you can not both sit in the same chair at the same time and observe the same movie. You can both observe the same movie sitting in different chairs or you can observer the movie at different times from the same chair, but you can not do both. A kind of exclusion principle.
So what’s that to do with time? you might ask. But Waite there’s more!

Apply the above exclusion principle to a mass. two objects can not occupy the same space at the same time. they can occupy different space at the same time or the same space at different time. this is obvious. Another way to put it is that if you assume that Time-Space has for isotropic axis ( axises that are equal in all directions and equal in there qualities. A true four dimensional block.) then this principle can be expressed as the following statement: All objects must be displaced along one axis from each other. Now one interesting thing about this is that it gives rise to the illusion of living in a membrane universe. All objects displaced along the same axis appear to be in the same universe.

Not what if you were to extend this principle. The present description is of a principle that operates with an exclusive or condition. That is it can only be in one state or the other not both. If you assume a simple Or condition in the principle it becomes like this: Two or more objects can not occupy the same space at the same time or occupy the same space at the same time themselves. In other words an object can’t occupy the same space at the same time as another object (and here is the rub! and its a biggie.) including it self. This is very important, including it self!

So let’s look at that. This means not only can one object not occupy the same space as another but it can,t even occupy the same space itself for to long. This means that an object must be jiggling around on the spot trying to avoid itself. This gives rise to the uncertainty principle and the Copenhagen probability functions. As the object jiggers around avoiding itself it gets constantly pushed along an axis (not necessarily in one direction it could be giggling about a point.) This gives rise to the arrow of time.The rest of time as we experience it is enthalpy.

Light and gravity may be an exception to this. It appears that photons can pass through each other and thus maybe able to briefly occupy the same space and time. This might explain its constant speed and other weird behavior.