Is Evoloution an Outdated Theory Time just Flies

Evolution soon will be outdated, when it has no more theories to come up with how, where, when, or why. But just think… ‘out of the slime came forth man. And that slither of slime found it’s way up the tunnel of life and became… what is it? Turning ‘it’ upside down, it was found to be, well, nothing that should be mentioned. Oh no! This has to be a mistake of evolution. It should have been at least a one or the other… shouldn’t it?

So, the Creator of this piece of slime threw it into the mud, disgusted, as he intended it to better. A day went by. A week went by. A month went by. A year went by. A thousand years went by. This was ridiculous! Giving it the benefit of the doubt, he decided to dig into the mud where the slime had sunk. His hands touched something. It felt hairy and round. Thinking it best to pull the mud away slowly, he unearthed… a head?

Being so covered in slime and mud, it was hard to tell, so he asked for some rain (just enough it wash it clean,) and still was not sure. The hair was longish, and rusty red. But it had a face… eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, and it smiled up at him. It even had teeth! “Good Lord!” (He exclaimed, ) and he kept digging out the mud from around this smiling ‘thing’. Still smothered in mud and slime, he could feel more hair!

Except, this time when over half-way down, and calling on a little more rain to wash it off, everything so far about it, was, well, but… he wasn’t sure, so kept on digging. Once he was able to unearth to about two thirds, two arms emerged! Good heavens! It even had fingers and nails. What on earth was in this mud for this transformation to take place from a bit of slime?

An experiment had been carried out before in very sterile laboratory conditions, but never in mud. It required the sperm… wait a minute! That’s the ‘slime’! The slime, is the sperm! But…? OK, lets get this right. In the Laboratory of Life, one sperm could not create another ‘creature’ on it’s own. That means, that somewhere in this mud, their had to be, well, an egg. That, would be like looking for a pin-head egg cell, in all this mud!

“Mother?” he called to his lifetime Creator Mate, “have you got any idea how an egg could have got into this mud?”

“Oh dear,” came the reply, I was trying an experiment last millennium, when I planted one, thinking it might grow. Why?”

“Well it did,” he answered, “and I’m beginning to think it looks…” he paused then carried on “it won’t stop incessantly grinning!”

Hurrying to her Mate’s side, she came up with the idea that, seeing there was still more of this ‘creature’ thing in the mud, why don’t they just both pull? So with them both pulling with all their might, eventually it was freed, but quite stiff. Lying it carefully, but curiously down on a dry patch of clay, once more the rain was called upon to give it a final wash.

“Good God!” They exclaimed together, jumping back back when this creature stood up on two legs, shaking the water off. At the same time, all the rusty red hair fell off! This… was a naked. backside of, ‘a human’?

“What is it?” Mother Mate was in awe.

“I..I..I’m afraid we have to be responsible for our actions together here dear,” Creator declared. “It’s so strange, but, well, is it a he, or a she? You see, I didn’t like the I was working on, so I threw the slime back in the mud. Well, you know how time just flies with us, and… “

“It’s a he!” Mother Mate was over the moon. “Look! It’s a he! It’s a he! He looks just like you!”

“What do you mean, ‘he’ looks just like me?” Creator asked, taken aback

“Look! He’s got…”

“OK, OK… I can see what you mean. He’s a man!”

“Dada! Mama!” Turning the creature man looked straight at them both.

“He’s talking already! Creator was amazed.

“Yes,” he, the man answered, “I’m very very lonely from being in that mud for so long, and I want a mate too!”

“Are you prepared to wait for a thousand years?” asked Creator

“Can I, can I, can I can I?” he couldn’t wait.

“Get back in the mud… er… Son”

Mother Mate shook her head, muttering… “Son?”

Now…? Who was it who asked is evolution an outdated theory? I can’t remember when it wasn’t