Introduction of the Human Muscular System

Composed of more than 600 muscles, the human muscular system is an anatomical system that enables flexibility in movement and bodily function. Most muscles of the system are controlled by the nervous system which transmits various signals in different parts of the body including muscles in the vertebrates.

Nevertheless, some muscles function autonomously and without the control of other human anatomical systems in our body. More so, the importance of the human muscular system transcends based on a multitude of functions such as locomotion, shaping of the body, heat absorption, strength/force and at the same time the human muscular system is also takes part in some digestive and respiratory processes.

Hence, the human muscular system is composed of three basic types of muscles that enables balance and power in human functions such three are as follows.

Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal muscles are striated muscle tissues which are under the control of the nervous system and are composed of muscles fibers or the so-called myofibers. Thus, skeletal muscles vary depending on the type of myofibers in it. These muscles are often attached to the ends of bones usually in tendons and joints.

Cardiac Muscles

Cardiac muscles or the muscles of the heart help in pumping the blood and regulating the functions of the heart, atria, ventricles and blood vessels. Likewise, cardiac muscles take part in the cardiac cycle and similar processes and functions of the heart. These types of muscles are known to be thick and strong.

Smooth Muscles

Unlike the other two basic types of muscles, the smooth muscle is a non-striated type of muscle which means it isn’t combined into parallel fibers. Thus, smooth muscles are involuntary types of muscles to which you have no control over its actions and locomotion. Smooth muscles also participate in digestive functions.

In addition to knowing the three basic types of muscles, it’s also important to learn about some of the most common muscular system disorders. Thus, the following is a list of the most common diseases of the human muscular system.


Myopathy is characterized by the sudden weakness of the muscles. Similarly, such weakness is attributed to the dysfunction of the muscle fibers.

Zenker’s Degeneration

Usually infecting skeletal muscles, zenker’s degeneration is often caused by certain viral infections such as typhoid fever and toxaemia. Thus, this muscular system disorder makes the muscles appear pale and friable.


Laminopathy is often mutated through genes which means it usually occurs in bunches and families. Nonetheless, people suffering from such disease is treated through physical therapy.