Indications for Performing Varicose Vein Surgery

Varicose veins are a condition in which superficial blood vessels, the veins, become dilated and tortuous. It is often found in the lower limbs although it can happen in any other place in the body as well. In most instances, the varicose veins will not give rise to any symptoms and would be mild in nature. Therefore, it may not require any interventions at all. But, for some, presence of varicose veins will not only be symptomatic but could be disfiguring as well.

How does varicose veins manifest?

The superficial veins in the lower limbs or any other vein for that matter will have valves which will prevent the blood from flowing back and in varicose veins the pressures within the superficial venous system including the gravitational forces will disrupt this valve mechanism and there may be a backflow of blood and thus a dilatation of the veins. As it gradually worsens the veins can become tortuous and further enlarged which gives rise to a disfiguring appearance.

What are the complications of having varicose veins?

When varicose veins become significant it can give rise to a pain as well as leg swelling which may be the result of impaired blood pumping that takes place in the lower limbs. Furthermore, the dilated and tortuous superficial vessels can rupture and give rise to a bleeding even following a minor trauma. Ulcer formation is another complication in patients with long standing varicose veins along with skin discoloration and itching. Apart from these, there is a possibility of blood clot formation or superficial thrombophlebitis in such individuals which can sometimes be a serious complication to life.

What are the indications to perform varicose veins surgery?

As described above, being evident that the varicose veins would proceed towards possible complications is an indication itself for a patient to undergo surgical stripping of the varicosed vein.

In general, one of the commonest indications for performing this surgery is for cosmetic reasons. Varicose veins being commoner in females, this trend is rather understandable.

Secondly, occurrence of symptoms which can reduce the quality of life to a certain extent is another common reason to undertake surgical stripping. Thus, pain, lower limb swelling, ulcerations, skin discolorations, itching…etc are some of the manifestations of varicose veins which may induce taking a decision to do surgery.

Lastly, among some of the definitive indications to perform the same would be bleeding from ruptured varix, recurrent thrombophlebitis and lipodermatosclerosis leading to the formation of venous ulcers.