How to Instill Confidence in yourself

Self-confidence is something everyone should have. Sometimes we feel like we just can’t get anything right. There are several things you can do to boost your confidence if you are feeling down on yourself.

One thing you should do everyday is to have positive self-talk. This means that you should think positive things about yourself. It helps if you work on one affirmation at a time and repeat it out loud, when you are alone, or in your head throughout the day. For instance I am good at my job or I am looking my best. You can incorporate any areas in which your self-confidence needs improvement. It is also good to use whatever negative thoughts you may be having and turn them into positive statements about yourself. Such as, if you think “I can’t do anything right” You can turn it into “I can do anything I set my mind to.”

Another way to give yourself the kick-start that may help you to see your potential is to put it on paper. Make a list of your accomplishments no matter how small. A good place to start if you don’t have trophies or rewards is with your personality traits. For instance if you’re punctual you can give yourself kudos for it because you make other’s lives easier by not wasting their time. Keep this list where you can read it occasionally if you need to and add to it as you think of more good things about yourself.

Now that you are thinking good things about yourself on the inside there may be a few things you can do on the outside that will make you feel better about yourself. When we are feeling down our appearance can reflect it. Maybe you can get yourself a new outfit to boost your self-esteem. If not, you might even have something in your closet that has always made you feel good when you wear it. You can try a new hairstyle. Changing something might help give you that extra push you need. Even though compliments are always good be sure you are doing it for yourself. If you are only trying to impress others it might even hurt your self-confidence if for some reason they don’t say anything about it.

It always helps if you start small. If you accomplish little things it will give you confidence to do bigger and better things. For instance when I was younger I was scared to go to college because I didn’t think I would be able to do the work. So I enrolled in vocational school. Doing good there helped me to get the confidence I needed to not only go to college, but also get my degree.

Just remember you are unique and have your own set of strengths and weaknesses. You might not be as good as someone at a certain skill, but as long as you strive to be the best you can that is an accomplishment in itself.