How to Identify and use Saskatoon Berries

Saskatoon berries are one of the new super foods.  They are loaded with antioxidants which help fight against cancer, heart disease and aging.  They boost the immune system and help fight against the free radicals that attempt to destroy the body.

These berries grow on a wild shrub throughout Alaska, western Canada and the northwestern part of the United States.  The shrub is extremely hardy, and begins to produce fruit when it is two to four years old.  In appearance, saskatoon berries look very similar to blueberries.   They are also planted and harvested commercially in Canada.

Saskatoon berries contain more protein, fiber and various minerals than strawberries, blueberries or raspberries.  Native Indians used them as part of their main diet, and they were used to flavor and preserve the dried pemmican they ate.  Many of the settlers, also, learned to eat them, and they depended on them as a main food source.

There are many different ways to use Saskatoon berries.  Some people like to use them for ornamental shrubs because of their pretty white blossoms in the springtime.  By careful pruning, they can be formed into the shape that is desired.  They can, also, be used as hedges when planted close together.

These berries can be used in a variety of ways in cooking.  They make excellent pies, jellies and jams.  The liquor industry has found a way to use them to make wine and beer.  These berries can be used fresh, dried or frozen with excellent results.  They can be added to any type of baked good.  When they are dried as a whole fruit, they are similar to raisins.  The fruit can also be pureed and dried into fruit leather.

Tea made from the roots of the Saskatoon berry bush is known to stop diarrhea and a heavy menstrual flow.   Because of their high mineral and antioxidant content, they can be used to fight against many common ailments and diseases.  For example, they can supply a high quantity of iron for people with anemia.

Some cosmetic industries are just beginning to add the oil from the Saskatoon berry to their cosmetic products.  Because of their high quantity of vitamin E and antioxidants, they promise to be very effective as a main ingredient in anti-aging skin care products.

Saskatoon berries are another one of the super foods that can boost your immune system and help you stay healthy.  Use them in your baking and enjoy eating them for snacks.  They are a special food that can benefit your health in a variety of ways.