How to Earth came into being Universe Creation

Before the beginning of time there was darkness and silence. No visible reactions, no audible sounds, which in our time stands as the clock to our universe. If there was any physical existence, little was known on the condition of the reactions taking place at the subatomic level. Between the atomic nuclei was a raging battle of collisions and fusions. Quarks and gluons shot out in all directions ultimately splitting other molecules with an enormous energy transfer. When the mass of one nucleus became too great, all other particles were sucked back into the dense collection; becoming unstable, it imploded with great energy.

Within seconds trillions of tons of matter shot out into a once empty arena. Sparse gases collected and increased in density. Thousands of square miles were covered in the few seconds the universe existed. The heat generated was far greater than anything ever produced in the universe. This heat functioned as the furnace in the creation of the first stars. The density of the few stars was not great enough to hold the fused matter that now has a reputable density. The universe, the area containing the liquid matter, continued to expand to 3 billion light years in a short period.

After which, the high energy matter started to cool and collect. The light once again started to fade to a point of complete darkness. The universe was far too vast to effectively carry sound, and everything was shot back into a previous state of darkness and silence. Over a few billions years the matter slowly collected, increasing its density in the process. As the particles were drawn closer to each other they fused, creating short bursts of proton energy. Every few often small flashes of light would show in the distance signifying the formation of a physical entity.

New elements were created that possessed different abilities. As other masses gained in size, the elements making up their composition initiated their traits. Invisible forces pulled the sizable masses together into a spiraling formation. Systems of large rocks collected into a group, bonding stray masses into even greater sizes. The spare rocks that did not bond interacted with each other in their own collection, spiraling around the bigger masses that dominated.

As space continued to expand, the particles reacted less vigorously; lowering the overall temperature throughout specific systems. The once molten rock formations cooled and hardened. The fast cooling initiated other anomalies that caused a phase change in the exhausting heat. Protective layers of force formed over the rock formations with a high mass. The universe once empty now held self-sustaining collations.