How to Control your Anger

There is not just one part to the brain, the brain is made up of several different areas.

Each area, specialisers, in different types of thought.

Anger and love, appear to be opponent emotions, meaning that, when we feel one, we can not feel the other.

I know that, when I’m in the emotion of happiness, I live with the joy and confidence, that I can succeed, to over come the hurdles in my life. Yet when anger takes control, all the thoughts of frustration come to the surface.

So we must have emotional thought chambers in our mind, areas of our mind, devoted to that emotion.

When anger is released, we go into the fight or flight process, energy levels increase adrenaline is release and the body goes into hyper-drive.

We go into a verbal battle designed to hurt the opposing person.

Now if we look at the woman’s liberation moment, the anger was justified, women had no rights to vote, they had no rights to own land, anger was used to overcome these problems, so seen in this light, is important for bringing about social change.

No doubt with the coming of the second world war, anger against injustice, was and is a positive influence on society.

The Question of anger then becomes linked, to our perceived thoughts on justice and injustice, who decides what is right. The woman in a previous article, felt that a Que jumper had taken away her rights and felt justified, in having him punished by her boyfriend.

To live in a peaceful society we have got to realise, that people are not perfect that we will make mistakes and violence, is not the answer.

Yet what about, when a man rapes a woman, if that woman is your daughter, your wife, I think that your anger is justified but I would hope, that our society protected the victim and prosecuted the criminal, yet in court so often, we see the victim crucified to protect the man, life is not always fair.

Anger appears to be linked to our self talk, the way we allow ourselves to think, my other half, gets angry with other drivers on the road, when they cut in front of her, even when they have right of way, she feels that it is her right to be in front.

I get angry with the continual drinking and not turning up for work, that her dependence an alcohol creates, I get angry with the continual verbal attacks, when she has been drinking, several hours of hearing about her past, lead, into, what I call the catch twenty twos, where no matter what you say, can and will be held against you.

I get angry, because money that could be saved for our future or paid on bills, is wasted on alcohol.

Going out for a walk is good, singing is good, listening to music is good, talking to people that won’t take it back to her is good. Learning to meditate is good, relaxation therapy is good.

But the best solution for any problem, is to resolve the problem, there are two ways for me to do this, one I could leave her behind in my past but then, she would end up on the streets, perhaps committing suicide, the best way for our future to go, I hope leads to her over coming, the problem of alcohol.

So like most of the human race, I myself am trying to overcome the problem of anger, I’m trying to stay away from the negative self talk, that provokes anger, the times when you are on your own, in the car and think to yourself, that it’s not fair, these are the times, that you build resentment, inside yourself, that unleashes as anger when you are provoked.

Stay positive, let the laws of attraction, build up a world of love, wealth and happiness