How to Achieve a Higher Level of self Confidence


1. Self-assessment.
You are to assess yourself about your strong points and weaknesses, so that you can change your life style accordingly. You will come to know about your weakness, like negative thinking, feeling not to do the task and even you are not satisfied what you have accomplished himself/herself. You can change your habits and weak points, so you can improve your way of working.

2. What is Self-confidence?
You just bolted the main door of your house from inside, but when you reached your bedroom, you start thinking about the door. This type of thinking shows that you do not have confidence even after completing that task. The simple way to develop confidence is to do the work you afraid to do, as you are to get up early in the morning at 5.00 A.M, but you cannot do that. Once you get a record of successful experiences of such things, so with constant practice and courage you will develop confidence. Success in one area will increase your enthusiasm, improve your confidence and motivate you to be successful in other areas. You must start doing one by one thing you felt shy of, frightened at one time and accomplish these tasks easily. Confidence will then come to stay with you, it will become a matter of habit, and then success will follow success.

3. Action and practice.
You are to take action on the activity, which you fear to do, and then practice the same to gain confidence. Action and more action is the only secret to gain self-confidence. Do the very thing you are afraid of, and do that again and again. Never mind how many times you fail and how much time it takes to become perfect in that. Decide what you want to do and go after that with all you have. Your success is sure and certain if you adopt the above practice.

4. Hard work.
Hard work is the only solution to achieve success in any task; there is no short cut to success. Success is getting the things done, which you want, in life. Success is achievement of worthy goal in life. Since every thing comes to you in life must come to you from or through people. The ability to get along with other people becomes the basic principal ingredient of success.

5. Success to achieve goal.
Work to do any task is the beginning, the middle and the end of success. Who does not work will not succeed in his life. He/she who works hard will accomplish success in direct proportion to the work he/she puts in to achieve his/her goal.