How the human race will truly end.
The rate of which people are being born is higher then the rate of which people are dieing, all due to the fact that people are having more coitus, because it is deemed as being something of a high level of fun, so then when they don’t take the right precautions, or when their precautions fail, then the child is born when the child wasn’t meant to be born, but this isn’t about that, this is about the families of which have more children then they should have. For a couple (two people) should have, at the most, two children, so then there will be enough people for both of the parents to continue on the human species, but when the two of them have three children, that’s 1.5 children each, then each of them will have three children, that’s 2.5 extra people over just two generations, if that continues, then the human population will become so great, that we will ruin Earth and then go ahead and ruin other planets, then in just a few generations, only about twenty at the most, the human population will be over 100 trillion and will perish in under a year, approximately ten months, and then that will result in humans dieing at a rate over 38.5 million deaths per second. That rate could eliminate the current human population in just a little under three minutes. Now that is highly scary.
After all this, then God (actually whomever it shall be, but I believe that God is over control of all in his realm, so it could be him, but it could also be another of whom) will have to deal with having to expand to deal with the millions of new souls per second, then ‘he’ (see what I did there with the little air quotes?) will realize that to make humans have just that level of intelligence was a mistake, so then he will make the human population restart but with a higher level of intelligence, which will just end up with humans ending faster, then ‘God’ will realize the full extent of ‘his’ mistake and then ‘he’ will make it so that humans will never have even existed in the first place.
That is how the human race will finally end. We won’t even make it to the tape.