In psychology, the study or personality and self-motivation are behaviors that show an interest involving themselves with others, or extroverts tend to seek people and put him or her in a situation and away from others. Additionally, his or her qualities tend to manipulate people or a situation to what the extrovert wants the outcome to be. A person’s sense of self of what he or she wants to be in the future will also serve as a basis of motivation by inspiring him or her to change his or her current self to have a more constructive image of his or her future self (Deckers, 2005).
Significant relationships may prove useful as one factor among many that teachers use to motivate his or her students; a lack of writing credentials speak to the relationships that further thrust the necessity or practice. Most motivation theorists assume that motivation is an involvement in the performance of all learned responses to people around him or her. Meaning, a learned behavior will not occur unless it is wound up or manipulated. The major question among psychologists is whether motivation is a primary or secondary influence on behavior. Changes in behavior might explain the main principle of environmental ecological influences, perception, memory, cognitive development, or emotions. As discovered through research the brain is what determines what his or her preferences will be.
Observational learning processes might explain the influences of best friends on prosocial behavior, in part. The goal is searching what seems to offer a conduit that links a friend’s prosocial attraction to an individual’s prosocial actions, with familiarity of his or her personality. Discovering relationships between friends through the nature of personalities which focus on the numerous behaviors him or her that will draw certain behavior that bring some individuals together and others apart. Consequently, answers become wider in the understanding of adolescent friends’ influence as behaviors more positive. The directions for further study and examinations of individual characteristics, and other motives create roles of multiple friends. In an ethnically and social economic diverse sample, studies of friends and their influences can broaden that include other peer social groups. This will often surrender more environmental strengths in the study as to why or how an adolescent displays or has the outward motivation to display prosocial behavior: the adolescent has a deep rooted feeling or need to fit in with his or her peers.
Deckers, L. (2005). Motivation: Biological, Psychological, and
Environmental. Retrieved November 21 2009, from,