How the Gravity Works
The first scientific explanation was provided by Newton: gravity works through a force, called the force of gravitation, the same as our weight. This force pulls bodies towards each other. The second scientific explanation was produced by Einstein, by improving upon Newton’s argument: gravity works through the action of matter upon space, by shaping the latter according to its own properties, and then by the action of this shaped space upon matter. Both explanations, being scientific, rely on our experience. Both are falsifiable. Therefore scientifically we don’t know how the gravity actually works! This fact is plainly reflected in all of the contributions to this debate. However, we are under the impression that people want a positive explanation at any rate, scientific or not! Let’s offer it, starting from Science itself!
Borrowing from the scientific method, let’s start from facts. In this day and age we have a lot more facts than we need. Many of them invented, but this is entirely another problem. One of the facts we have to abide by is that the orbits of the planets around the Sun are not plane figures, therefore the Newtonian theory is not entirely true: the gravity is not only attraction! Another fact is that the Sun itself moves, and with it the whole Solar system. Using the Newtonian Dynamics in explaining this is out of question; it also points against using the Einsteinian General Relativity. However, if the gravitation is as universal as claimed, it must explain these facts!
The usual explanation is always offered either in terms of force or in terms of space acting upon matter, as shown before. In both cases an agent is supposed to act, which is something external to the bodies. What, now, if the Solar System is a gravitational unit, and the motion as we perceive it comes from inside this unit?! It would be like the motion of an airplane: it comes from its own engine not from outside. Of course, such a dynamics cannot be understood in Newtonian terms anymore, neither in Einsteinian terms for that matter.
We just have to admit that the motion of bodies is done under the action of a moment. Thus, the motion of Sun can be described as done under the action of the moment of force of a planet with respect to the center of the trajectory of that planet. It’s a kind a screw motion, which moves the Sun in space and with it the whole Solar System, with a speed of 220 km/sec. Of course, all of the planets of the Solar System participate to this motion in just the same way, so the velocity of the Sun is a kind of “sum” of all of the partial velocities impressed by the components of the Solar System.
By the same token we can explain the motion of a planet around the Sun: it is done under the action of the moment of force of the Sun with respect to the center of its trajectory around planet. For instance the Earth moves through space with a speed of about 30 km/sec in a spiraling trajectory. Of course, to this speed the Moon has a lot of participation as well, according to the same principle. Thus the speed of the Earth is, again, a kind of “sum” of the impressed moments of different forces on it.
How can we prove this? Of course, there is no proof, like for any other scenario for that matter. First and foremost, this explanation builds upon things so far unexplored. One of them is that the center of Newtonian force is never where it is supposed to be according to the theory. Rather, the orbits of the planets have eccentricity. Therefore, in explaining how gravity works, it is a natural alternative to accept that it is not exclusively represented by an attracting force, but also by a moment of this force.
Our claim is that this moment moves the Sun and the planets through space! This might seem indeed strange from the point of view of Newtonian Dynamics but, again, this is entirely another problem. As a matter of fact we never claim that one should use the Newtonian Dynamics for calculations of the consequences of this explanation of the gravity. The Physics of this century has an entire arsenal of tools which go well beyond the Classical Mechanics!