How are Black Holes Made

What causes black holes in our universe? No one really has a definite answer to this complex question regarding a black hole. Scientist like Steven Hawkings though have also pondered on these cosmic giants that defy the laws of physics. His research and work suggest black holes are caused by infinity dense and infinitely small objects caused by a super nova explosion. These explosions that are caused by giant supernovas, stars in space, and create the basis for a black hole. The explosion then creates an object of unfathomable density. And from that object, black holes emerge.

So what is the origin of a black hole really? Black holes all seem to have the same creation parent of a star. Depending on the star size and mass, the black hole will vary in magnitude in diameter. For example, a giant blue star, when nearing its death, will emplode on itself because it cannot generate enough energy to sustain itself any longer due to its gravitional pull on the outside going in. Think of it as a submarine being submerged down to the sea, the lower the sub goes, the more pressure the outside will exert on the ship until the point of its threshold is reached and the submarine starts breaking in on itself. Applying this same principle on the star, it eats at itself and collapses its structure down to its core. During the implosion of the star, it sends out a pleothora amount of radiation and material that help create life, like us!

After the devastating end of a supernova star, the core becomes so dense that it will not permit light to escape its grasp at all. There is common misconception though to this statement, people in general usually think a black hole sucks up light like a drain sucks up the water in a bath tub. This isn’t necassarily true, black holes pull in light near its area, thus why it is black and not visible since no light is able to be seen. Think of it as a pit and light as an animal, if the animal comes close to the edge of the pit, it falls in, same rule applies in the black hole.

If the black hole is infinitely small, what happens to the things that get sucked in?
Now here is a true question of perplexing thinking. Theories range from ideas such as alternate universes, data being destroyed, and even transportation of data. When i refer to data, i mean the things that get pulled in the black hole. The first theory, alternate universes, suggest that black holes transport one thing to another universe with an equal opposite force called white holes. White holes are another theoritical object in space that does the opposite that of a black hole, instead of sucking up vast amounts of matter, it spews out matter from a seemingly non existant point. This is just a theory but can easily be as true as the other two. The next theory introduces the radical idea of data being destroyed. In the scientific community, it is known that matter cannot be destroyed or created, yet it changes shape and form but can never be completely eradicated. So even though we seem to think a black hole rips up matter into oblivion, this is not true because matter cannot be destroyed. If it were able to be destroyed, then our whole knowledge on science and reality would become irrevalent and everything we know would just be random events not caused in specific order. The final theory is transportation, pretty straight forward. One black hole links to a point in space where it just pops out, sort of like a worm hole.

A black hole may never be truly explained in entiretly, but the scientist of earth are working on ways to explain it. The cause of a black hole has been pinpointed to the death of huge stars that are capable of harnassing a black hole. Black holes are the chaotic heavenly bodies of the universe that seem to hold a big part of our history. And if we can ever unlock the secret of them, that would be one of the greatest discoveries in human history, in my opinion of course.