Histories Story of the Bicycles of Yesterday

The bicycle and it’s history, is very unique from it’s early days until the current version seen most often today such as Mountain Bikes, or Road Bikes, BMX, are a far cry from the early years of what was considered a bicycle. The term bicycle and it’s design really came about around the year 1870 according to pedalinghistory.com under the name of The High Wheel, which sported a large front wheel as a result of the realization that the larger the wheel, the more distance that could be covered in each rotation similar to the bikes of today without the free wheel or the gears. The pedals on this High Wheel Bicycle were affixed to the front wheel there was no chain system at that time. Looking at the bikes of today, you can truly realize how much different these early revisions must of been. During that time these were innovations, new modes of transportation by human power.

To truly go back to the history of bicycles one should really look back at the first variation, called the walking machine circa 1817, simply put a wooden frame and steel wheels that was propelled by foot and was the springboard to the later renovation. It is amazing how we as people can adapt throughout the history of bicycles the walking machine set the precedent for the bike frame it only lasted for a short bit as a fad or a fancy, the seed though was planted.

Next there is mention of another human powered vehicle, coined the velocipede or bone shaker, due to its wooden frame and steel wheels. The difference though it was the first to provide pedals on the front wheel thereby enabling a new level of motion. The walking machine provided the frame, later the velocipede set the seed germination in motion, by adding pedals. Also phasing out in becoming a fad, more accepted and in bigger cities provided for as a recreational ride in roller rinks and the such. The fact that this version of the bicycle was using metal wheels, and the roads of the time were not adapted to it resulted in naming it the bone shaker.

The next innovation that I had mentioned earlier, circa 1870 called the High Wheel improved further on the viability of the human powered vehicle. Learning from the stressed seat bones from those who decided to take the bone shaker for a spin. The High Wheel, established the first rubber wheel, as a result of improvement on the metallurgic arts, the frame was entirely made of metal. Still using the pedals affixed to the front wheel though making for a more comfortable ride, the high wheel had one serious flaw. As a consequence to the idea, that the larger the wheel the more distance could be traveled with one rotation of the pedals. The design of the bike, though improved over it’s predecessors was dangerous, if the cyclist hit a rock or was distracted the rider would often go over the front wheel as the High Wheel rotated on its access, “taking a header” became a standard expression for those who found how dangerous these bicycles could be. Initially the term bicycle was coined as the High Wheel gained in popularity. The term bi equates to two wheels, and so it was in this time period that bicycle was first heard and understood.

Also during this time frame, there was another innovation for the fairer sex if you will, it was called the “High Wheel Tricycle” an improvement on the initial design offering two rear high wheels and one smaller wheel in the front. It was this specific version, that also established many of the things readily associated with cars. Rack and Pinion Steering, The Differential and Band Brakes to name just some. This design benefited both the Clergy and Gentleman of the time besides the women being limited in dress as they were.

After so many improvements from the walking machine to the High Wheel Tricycle, engineers realized ways to enhance safety and functionality. The result, a High Wheel Safety. This version of the popular bike decreased the size of the front wheel lessening the chance of a header, still using the pedals on the back wheel as opposed to the front, the original high wheel fell into obscurity only being remembered as ordinaries while the new design became known as the bicycle.

The history of bicycles continues as the seed planted so long ago with the first walking machine began to grow and become a bountiful crop. The hard tired safety came about, metallurgy had overcome further challenges, now being able to craft a sprocket and chain. Also returning to the same size wheels as was within the original design of the walking machine. Still using the hard tires that go back to the High wheel safety as even in this juncture spokes had not been appropriated. The time had come for another breakthrough, a breakthrough that in itself would result in the death of the high wheel design completely.

The pneumatic tired safety, a result of an innovative veterinarian by the name of dunlop. Initially only to offer his child a more comfortable ride. Pneumatic being an air filled tire, in this innovation of the 1890’s the crop reached a climax, the bicycle was seen as a viable alternative to driving, a price that was low enough for the common man to purchase. It was during this exciting time that the League of American Wheelmen, now known as The League of American Bicyclists sought out to promote a better lane, in that another seed had been planted, this one the automobile.

With this increased popularity and just after World War 1 the first Kid’s Bike came about, today called classics, or chops, in attempt to revitalize a failing industry. These are the bikes today often called cruisers, at the beginning these specific bicycles were a culmination of popular elements to seem appeasing to a child. Elements such as automobile and motorcycle aspects without the engine. These were like the hot rods, and often were modified considerably and yet the kids of the day, could do amazing things on them. Even at 65lbs loaded with extras to the max they rode them like BMX bikes. Throughout the 50’s they were the de facto standard, come the 60’s though these machines started being redesigned to leaner and meaner versions of the classics of the time.

Which brings us to now, this moment the present. In a failing economy, with gas so high, that these same bikes are coming out once again just to save even a bit, to make the wallet just a bit heavier. The bikes today, termed Mountain Bikes, Hybrids, Road, Touring. With their suspension, the carbon forks, the multiple geared machines. Similar but far improved over the bike of yesteryear. The bikes today, will become history and one day another person will write an article on this same subject. Though it will be in another time, another place. The bikes today, the infrastructure of now and yet some still remember those great bikes of yesterday. I hope you gained something from this article, I know I most certainly did. It is amazing to explore the early beginnings of bicycle history to the current mutations, and the ones to come. What is your view, your understanding of bicycle history? What do you do today, to not forget yesterday?