Yoga Tailbone Exercises

Yoga poses for the coccyx or tailbone are generally those that alleviate pressure to the area and allow greater circulation and flexibility in the case of injuries. Since a tailbone injury is extremely painful, the postures you use must be gentle while practicing and also simple to execute. The downward facing dog, cat pose and child’s pose are among the favorites for providing gentle relief to the spine and tailbone area.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana is the Sanskrit name for downward facing dog pose. To try this pose, begin on your hands and knees, lift your tailbone to the sky and straighten your arms and legs as much as possible while you roll over the toes, coming into Adho Mukha Svanasana. Think of creating a triangle with the floor as your base. Ground down through your palms and feet as you lengthen your spine and bring your chest toward your thighs. Let your head and neck be relaxed. Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the poses in the Sun Salutation sequence of postures. Once you have enjoyed this pose for up to three minutes, you can bend your knees to the floor on the exhale and rest in child’s pose.


Marjaryasana, or cat pose, is particularly useful to relieve pressure on the spine including the end or tailbone. The pose provides a massage like effect on the spine and internal organs of the abdominal region. To perform cat pose, begin on your hands and knees in a flat back position. Your knees should be directly under your hips and your wrists should be under your shoulders. Look down at the floor between your hands. Inhale fully in this position. On the exhale, round your spine and bring your chin toward your chest. Keep your shoulders and knees in the same position as you do this. Inhale as you return to the starting neutral position.


Child’s pose, known in Sanskrit as Balasana, is a restful pose that is most often used to replenish your energy between challenging poses. However, it is a refreshing relief to the spine and tailbone alleviating all pressure and gently opening your back body. to perform this pose, simply sit down on your heels and allow your knees to separate to approximately hip distance apart. Inhale here. As you exhale, fold your body forward form the hip joints and lay your belly and chest on your knees. Place your forehead on the ground and lengthen your tailbone toward your heels. Rest your arms on the floor beside your chins with your palms facing up toward the ceiling.

About this Author

Sala Saran is a bi-athlete and certified Personal Fitness Trainer who is passionate about the life transformative power of sports and fitness. Teaching a holistic perspective of the fitness lifestyle that is rooted in personal development, Sala Saran shares her expertise in articles, columns and seminars to lead others to a discovery of their own power to transform their life experience.