What Foods Increase Libido in Women?

Periods of waning libido may result in women when they experience stress, fatigue, depression, decreased hormone levels or a poor self-image. But you can rev things up the natural way. Certain foods, herbs and spices can increase sex drive. Snacking on these libido-boosting foods may spice up your sex life.


Add some basil to your spaghetti sauce, to a tomato-and-mozzarella sandwich or to another of your favorite recipes, because the herb boosts your sex drive. Gourmet Sleuth contends that basil increases fertility, stimulates circulation, increases arousal and generates a sense of well-being.


Since ancient times, oysters have been a suspected aphrodisiac. The famed romantic Casanova supposedly scarfed down dozens of oysters each day, according to Discovery Health. The effect of oysters on libido may have to do with the fact that they’re packed with zinc. Zinc helps women sustain their sex drive and is necessary for the body’s production of testosterone. Fish that live in the deep sea and in cold water also have an affect on sex drive, according to “Forbes Magazine.” Halibut, salmon, sardines and shellfish especially are high in omega fatty acids, which offer health benefits and may help maintain overall sexual health and libido.


Capsaicin, which is found in chile peppers, curries and spicy foods, has a stimulating effect on your sex drive. “Forbes Magazine” notes that capsaicin may trigger the release of feel-good endorphins in your brain and also increases your heart rate, giving you that racing in-love feeling.

Pumpkin Seeds

Like oysters, pumpkin seeds provide zinc, which boosts sexual health and drive in both men and women. These seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important to sexual health. Jane Feinmann reports in “The Independent (UK)” that consuming pumpkin seeds consumption stimulates blood circulation to the genitals in both women and men, and Holistic Online notes that it increases fertility in women.


Stock up on black licorice candy. Planet Green reports that the Smell and Taste Foundation in Chicago has found that the scent of licorice is sexually arousing to women.

About this Author

Jacy Chance has 11 years’ experience as a health and travel writer, book editor, promotional model and Meals on Wheels volunteer. Her writing has been published in 14 of her nonfiction anthologies, on the front page of Yahoo!, in humor anthologies and in magazines. Chance holds a B.A. in writing and mass communication, and studied psychology, anatomy, marketing and calculus.