Waist & Abdominal Exercises

Waist and abdominal exercises can help tone and tighten your midsection. With all the fancy gadgets on the market, you may be overwhelmed trying to cipher out the good from the bad. Fortunately, all you need are a few fitness tools, several specific exercises and the execution of perfect form.

Plank Pose

A plank pose is a yoga exercise that can work your abs and waist with the absence of movement. To do planks, lie on your stomach with your hands directly under your shoulders and your toes hip-width apart. In a controlled motion, push yourself off the floor until your arms are fully extended. Once into this position, raise your hips up by contracting your abdominals. When you form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels, hold for 20 to 30 seconds.

Hip Thrusts

Perform hip thrusts on a weight bench. To do these, lie face-up on the bench with your legs out straight and your hands holding on to the sides of the bench, behind your head. In a controlled movement, raise your legs so your body forms a 90-degree angle. Carefully raise your hips off the bench and push your legs slightly over your head. After holding for a second, lower your hips back down and repeat 15 to 20 times.

Hanging Oblique Knee Raises

You use a pull-up bar to do hanging oblique knee raises. To do these, reach up and grab the bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Keeping your upper body still, lift your knees up and toward your right shoulder. After holding for a second, lower your legs down and raise them toward your left shoulder. Continue going back and forth for 15 to 20 reps per side.

Incline Crunches

Although they are called incline crunches, these exercises are performed on a decline bench. To do these, hook your lower legs under the padded support and lie flat on your back. After placing your hands on the sides of your head, lift your shoulders off the bench and curl your body forward. Squeeze your abs forcefully, lower yourself back down and repeat.

Side Bends

Side bends are performed with a dumbbell and they place emphasis on the obliques. To do these, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your left hand. In a controlled motion, bend laterally to your left as you lower the dumbbell toward the floor. Pause briefly, bend back to an upright position and repeat. After executing 15 to to 20 reps, switch sides.

Jackknife Sit-Up

Do jackknife sit-ups from a face-up position on the floor. Place your arms at your sides, with your legs straight. In a slow and controlled motion, lift your upper body and legs simultaneously as you pull your knees into your chest. After holding for a second, lower yourself back down and repeat for 15 to 20 reps.

About this Author

Kevin Rail has worked in the fitness industry since 2001 and has been writing since 2004. He has professional experience as a certified personal trainer, wellness coach, motivational engineer and freelance fitness writer. He currently writes a monthly column for Ron Jones High-Performance Health. Rail has a bachelor’s degree in sports management: fitness and wellness from California University of Pennsylvania.