Using Soybean Oil for Hair Growth


Soybean oil is a carrier oil that is used to dilute essential oils in aromatherapy and holistic healing practice. The use of soybean oil in the hair might actually stimulate growth and add luster to your locks. When using soybean oil to promote hair growth, it is important to remember that repeated daily to weekly use should be observed for optimal results.

Step 1

Add six drops of your chosen essential oils to 4 oz. of warmed soybean oil. Essential oils are not necessary but can provide added benefits such as follicle stimulation and deep moisturizing of the hair shaft.

Step 2

Apply the soybean oil mixture to your hair and massage into your scalp for two to five minutes. This stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles while ensuring deep penetration of the oil into the scalp.

Step 3

Wrap a towel around your hair, allowing the oil to absorb into the scalp and hair shaft for 20 minutes to an hour. A warm towel is ideal for this, as it speeds up the absorption rate of the oil.

Step 4

Add two drops of bay oil to a quarter-sized dollop of your regular shampoo and wash your hair thoroughly. Massage your scalp for five to 10 minutes with bay oil shampoo. Rinse completely and condition as normal.

Step 5

Allow your hair to air dry since extreme heat from blow dryers could dry out your hair and render your oil treatment ineffective.

Tips and Warnings

  • Due to limited research on essential and carrier oils, this treatment with soybean oil is not FDA approved and should never take the place of your doctor’s instruction.

About this Author

Sharin Griffin has been freelance writing since October 2009 and has had a successful five-year health care career as a CNA/medical technician with a private general practitioner and hospice care. She also writes fantasy fiction novels and has recently completed her second in a four-part series. She is currently working towards an associate’s degree in health care administration through Axia University.