Tools for Anxiety

Stress and anxiety occur as a normal part of every day life for many. The stress response or “fight or flight” occurs in high-pressure situations and can be helpful when you are in an extreme or emergency situation. Your body, however, can become run down if constantly under stress. By using different methods to initiate a “relaxation response,” you can increase your energy and focus and deal with everyday pressures in a calmer way.

Deep Breathing

Taking deep, cleansing breaths can help with relieving stress and initiating a relaxation response. Sitting comfortably, take deep breaths from your nose. When inhaling, you should feel your abdomen rising. You should concentrate on your breathing as long you can. You can practice deep, cleansing breaths while at work. Even a few seconds of concentrating on taking deep breaths can help with stress and anxiety.

Meditation characterizes meditation focusing on mindfulness as being engaged in the present moment. It can help relieve stress and anxiety by taking focus and thoughts off the past and future. Start by getting into a comfortable position in a quiet place. Focus on something in front of you or close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Let thoughts that distract you from this point of focus go and return to your point of focus.


While in a quiet place, close your eyes and try to relax. Think of a place in the world that you went to and felt completely stress free. If there wasn’t one, create one in your mind. Imagine yourself in this place. Imagine what you might see, feel, smell or touch. Visualization can help to release your anxiety and for a few moments take you away from what causes your anxiety.

Take a Break

When under a lot of pressure, you might forget that taking a short break can make a large difference. Leaving the situation, even only for a few minutes, can help you refocus and be refreshing. Step away, take a walk, go somewhere and do some deep breathing. Taking a break while you are working or doing something that you enjoy can help to relieve your anxiety and stress.

Take Care of Your Health

When experiencing anxiety or stress, you might neglect your own health. Eating properly and getting enough sleep and exercise can help relieve stress. When you are hungry, your body does not have enough energy. Not getting enough sleep decreases your focus and attention span and can make you more irritable. Exercise can relieve stress, and it’s good for your body.