The Best Bodybuilding Workout Routines

Strength training and bodybuilding are not necessarily the same activity. The best bodybuilders, though, from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Dorian Yates, have all understood that strength is critical. You can never build the largest physique you are genetically capable of without being strong first. For this reason, the best bodybuilding workout routines are those that focus on building genuine strength as well as large muscles.

Starr’s 5X5

Perhaps the most famous strength-based bodybuilding workout is the 5X5. Although used by legendary bodybuilders like Reg Park and Schwarzenegger, the most popular rendition of this program is that designed by Bill Starr. A strength and conditioning coach in the NFL during the 1970s, Starr focused his programs on getting big and strong, using three basic exercises he called the “Big Three.” These are the barbell squat, the bench press, and the power clean. The theory behind these three is that they exercise the legs and the front and back of the upper body. By using these multi-joint, compound movement exercises, it is possible to lift more weight than with single-limb isolation movements. This creates an increased energy demand on the endocrine system, leading to improved testosterone production, as well as simply making you stronger by lifting heavier weight.


Stuart McRoberts is a bodybuilding coach and athlete from England, currently writing and training on the island of Cyprus. The author of “Brawn” describes the importance of the compound movement barbell exercises like those used by Starr, for the same reasons. McRoberts recommends bent-over rows and deadlifts in lieu of the power clean, simply because the power clean is a very skill-dependent exercise. It should not be practiced without professional supervision, due to the risk of injury.

Starting Strength

Mark Rippetoe is the owner of a weightlifting gym in Wichita Falls, Texas. He is a 30-year veteran strength coach and author. His book “Starting Strength,” describes his novice lifting program for packing on strength and size effectively and efficiently. Almost a cross between Starr’s and McRoberts’ programs, he uses the 5X5 protocol, with the squat, bench press, overhead press, deadlift, and power clean. Like the other two programs, he recommends lifting no more than two or three times per week, allowing plenty of rest between training sessions. This provides the body with the time needed to build new muscle tissue to accommodate the increased work it is doing.

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