How to Reduce the Size of Male Breasts


Male breasts are often referred to in the movies as man boobs. This condition of having excess chest fat can take its toll on your self-confidence when you take your shirt off in the summer. If you want to reduce your breast size, you have to lose weight throughout your whole body, because spot reducing is not possible. While you are doing this, you can also build your chest muscles by doing weight training exercises. This will create better definition.

Step 1

Step onto an elliptical machine to burn calories and work your chest muscles. Elliptical training is done by pushing and pulling handles while moving your feet back and forth on foot pedals. The pushing motion causes you to engage your chest muscles. Work out on the elliptical for 45 to 60 minutes, three days a week on alternating days.

Step 2

Lie on an incline bench to do incline chest presses. This exercise targets your upper chest. Reach up and grab the barbell with a wide grip, push it off the supports and hold it straight above you. Lower the bar to your upper chest, push back up and repeat. Do not bounce the bar off your chest, and do not fully lock your arms when pushing up.

Step 3

Execute a set of flat bench presses to target your middle chest area. Lie face-up on the bench, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Grab the bar with a wide grip, push it off the supports and hold it straight above you. Lower the bar to lightly touch your chest, push it back up and repeat.

Step 4

Grab an exercise ball to do incline push-ups for your lower chest. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the ball and place your toes hip-width apart behind you. Lift your hips, tighten your core and form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Lower yourself until your lower chest is within a fist-width of the ball, push back up and repeat.

Step 5

Lie back on the incline bench to do chest flys for your upper, inner chest muscles. Hold dumbbells an inch apart above you with your palms facing each other. Bend your elbows slightly and keep that bend as you lower the weights to your sides. Stop when your upper arms parallel the floor, push back up and repeat.

Step 6

Pass a medicine ball to a training partner. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding the ball against your chest with both hands. Throw the ball straight ahead to your partner. Have him throw the ball back, catch it and immediately throw it again. Feel your chest muscles working when you throw the ball.