Natural Acne Treatment Alternatives

As more and more people are becoming sensitive to what goes into and onto their bodies, the demand for natural products grows. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that 40 to 50 million people in the United States alone have acne, and that each year, 85 percent of teenagers will be impacted by acne. For those who are interested, natural acne treatment alternatives are available. However, it’s important to consult a dermatologist or other healthcare provider prior to trying natural treatments, especially when considering using remedies not regulated by the FDA.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of a few natural ingredients that is considered an effective acne treatment. Most acne is the result of a bacterial infection at some level within the pore. Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial. Dermatologists recommend using products with 5 percent tea tree oil in it. Tea tree oil is a natural alternative to products containing benzoyl peroxide, though the Mayo Clinic notes this treatment may take longer to show results and can cause some skin irritation.


According to the Mayo Clinic, zinc supplements are another all natural alternative to treating acne. It has healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which aid in treatment. Zinc can also be used as a topical application to reduce breakouts.

Don’t Touch

Keep your hair clean and away from areas that break out. The natural reaction is to cover a breakout; however the oils and added products in your hair can irritate the breakout further and cause additional reactions. Keep your hands away from your face and irritated areas to prevent transferring additional oil from your hands into your pores. If you must touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.

Drink More Water

Increase your water consumption to flush toxins from your body and hydrate your skin. A build up of toxins can result in breakouts and overly dry skin can flake, resulting in more clogged pores.


There isn’t anything scientifically conclusive linking food with acne. Chocolate, for instance, has not been proved to cause acne, though folklore says otherwise. Improving your body’s overall health and ability to fight infection, however, can help to clear up acne. Increasing foods high in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids can be helpful in healing the body. Increasing your fiber intake helps your body eliminate more toxins. Fiber acts like a sponge, soaking up toxins as it passes through your body.

Herbal Remedies

Many all-natural acne products contain herbs that promote the healing process. Common acne fighting herbs are: sarsaparilla, yellow duck, burdock, and cleavers. These herbs in particular distribute nutrients and oxygen to the skin when ingested as a part of a tea or pill supplement.