Acne & Blackhead at-Home Remedies

Acne, a skin condition which presents itself as pimples, pustules, whiteheads, blackheads, nodules and cysts, occurs when excess oil secretions plug up the skin’s pores. Almost 80 percent of teenagers and 20 percent of adults suffer from the condition, according to and While individuals with severe acne should consult with a dermatologist, at-home remedies can yield significant results as the first line of attack in the battle against blackheads and minor outbreaks.


A natural zit zapper might be residing right in your own backyard. According to, peppermint is an easy to grow medicinal herb that contains menthol, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It acts especially well on red and inflamed pimples.

Pick several leaves off your peppermint plant and crush them into very small pieces. Take the leaves and juice, and rub them on your blemishes. Relax, enjoy the aroma and allow the herb to penetrate for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Steam Bath

A weekly steam bath is particularly helpful for opening and draining your pores and clearing out blackheads. In addition, a steam bath with the herb yarrow can yield impressive results for more severe outbreaks of acne if performed two or three times a week, as per Jason Elias, a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in the book “Alternative Cures.”

For a standard steam bath, simply hold a towel over your head for five minutes while leaning over a basin filled with boiled water. Prepare a yarrow steam bath by adding a yarrow tea bag to 8 oz. of hot water. Allow it to steep for 30 minutes, then add the tea to a basin of steaming water. Hold a towel over your head for 10 minutes as you lean over the basin. Hold your face about 12 inches above the water so that the steam does not burn your skin.


Egg whites are mild astringents containing proteins with anti-inflammatory powers, cited Dr. James Fulton, a dermatologist in Newport Beach, California, in the book “Home Remedies What Works.”

Wash your face thoroughly with soap. Break an egg open, and separate the white from the yolk. Discard the yolk. Dip a cotton swab into the egg white, and apply it to your pimples. This natural blemish blocker works especially well on new outbreaks.

Lime Juice And Groundnut Oil

One of the most effective at-home remedy cures for blackheads, according to, is a concoction of equal parts groundnut oil combined with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. Soak a cotton ball into the mixture, and generously dab your blemishes. Allow the mixture to dry on your face for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

The lime juice contains alpha-hydroxy acids, which act as exfoliating agents, sloughing off dead cells and accelerating new skin growth, while the amino acids found in groundnut oil promote skin elasticity.