Types of Massage Stones

A stone massage can utilize either hot or cold stones. Different types of stones offer various benefits. Practitioners believe a stone massage can relax the muscles and relieve health-depleting stress.


According to the Basalt Stone website, basalt stones are usually used while heated. When heated, the stones warm the skin and the muscles, which allow the body to take in oils that the stones are covered with. These oils occur naturally, as basalt is rich with iron, magnesium, olivine, serpentine and manganese. The mixture of all these elements helps to create a natural lubricant on the stones. These oils help to relieve muscles of stress and tension.


Heated jade stones, similar to basalt stones, are used as a muscle relaxant to help relieve tension. According to the Jade Therapy Stones website, massage therapists believe that jade is used to promote courage, justice, compassion, generosity and longevity.

Chilled jade stones are used to bring patients to a deep relaxation very quickly. This helps to clean the internal organs and muscle tissue, while needing less effort from the massage therapist to do so. The massage therapist simply holds the stones and uses them as tools, instead of using his hands.


According to LaStone Therapy, marble stones are used while chilled. The stones are placed on specific body points, which helps to remove blocked energy. Practitioners believe this creates a sense of balance and life. The material for these stones comes from living organisms, in addition to being mixed with calcite and limestone.


Sardonyx, one of the oldest stones known, is used both heated and chilled. LaStone Therapy advertises sardonyx stones to help with sleep, while offering patients a sense of relaxation and protection. Massage therapists use this stone to help relieve stress and anxieties.