The Types of Acne and Pimples

Because acne’s a chronic skin condition, its telltale blemishes can pop up any time. Though you may be particularly prone to breakouts during periods of hormonal fluctuation, like puberty or pregnancy, or times of increased stress, acne can hang around for months or even years, erupting in visible blemishes occasionally or frequently. People commonly describe any visible acne breakout as a pimple, but pimples are actually a specific type of acne.


Plugged pores, or comedones, are probably the most easily identified types of acne because of their distinctively colored centers. A comedone forms when your pore clogs, causing a bump to form–bumps that form beneath your skin are called whiteheads because they show up with a white center; blackheads show up black because their bumps form on the surface of your skin where the sunlight affects their color, making them dark.

Pustules, or Pimples

Tender to the touch because of inflammation or infection in a clogged follicle, pimples–officially known as pustules–show up as little red bumps on your skin. Sometimes, pimples fill up with puss, at which point they’re classified as papules. Pimples may be painful, but they’re rarely serious and usually clear up with over-the-counter treatments like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.


Nodules form beneath the surface of your skin when your hair follicles get clogged, where they feel like hard little bumps. Though they may not always be visible, especially when they’re deep ones, nodules are a serious form of acne that can be quite painful and eventually cause scarring if they’re not treated.


Cysts are the most serious type of acne and the type of acne most likely to cause permanent scarring. Cysts form deep beneath your skin, where they fill up with pus and can be very painful. If you have cystic acne, you’ll probably need to consult a dermatologist who can prescribe medication–otherwise, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up with scars.