Pimples occur when excess oil from the skin teams up with dead skin cells and bacteria to block the skin’s pores. These blockages may form pus and break open to drain once they have come to a “head,” while others do not leak and only stay red and inflamed. There are steps to get rid of large, painful pimples without causing further harm.
Step 1
Cleanse the skin thoroughly with a gentle exfoliating cleanser to remove built-up dirt and bacteria from the pimple. Avoid facial scrubs, astringents and masks because they can cause further skin irritation, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Step 2
Apply moisturizers that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicyclic acid to the pimple. This kills the bacteria and promotes the drying of the excess oil contained inside. This also promotes peeling of the outer layer of dead skin that covers the pimple.
Step 3
Drink at least a gallon of water daily to keep hydrated and flush the skin of toxins. This moisturizes the skin as well as reduces bacteria and excess oil production.
Step 4
Opt for microderm abrasion or laser removal if the pimples do not respond to home remedies. Visit a plastic surgeon or dermatologist for these procedures. Both methods slough off the outer layers of dead skin while cleaning out clogs in the pores and reducing inflammation.