How to Remove Hair From the Buttocks


Removing hair from your body is not a necessity, but nearly everyone does it at some point. Whether it’s for comfort, aesthetics, fun, cultural, or religious reasons, removing hair from your body–including your buttocks–can be simple. There are hundreds of products and ways to do it, but there are only a few ways that are both simple and effective. Choose the method that suits you the best, depending on the amount of time, effort and cost you want to put into your hairless buttocks.

Step 1

Pluck the hair on your buttocks. You can use tweezers found at nearly every pharmacy store to pull the hairs out from your buttocks. This method will remove the hair from your buttocks for a long period of time because you are pulling out the hair from the very root. The process can be long and tedious, though. You’ll have to pluck hundreds of hairs all over your buttocks.

Step 2

Apply plenty of shaving cream and shave your buttocks. Shaving your hair is the most common method of removing hair. It is also the most time efficient. However, shaving is very temporary–the results last only for a few days because you are only removing the hair from the surface of the skin. You also may need some assistance to reach all the hairs.

Step 3

Wax your buttocks. Waxing is time-efficient and effective. You can buy a home waxing kit, but you may want to leave it to the professionals. A pro will warm the wax, spread it over the skin on your buttocks, let it cool, then quickly pull it off in the opposite direction of growth. Since the hair is pulled out at the root, it will grow back much more slowly than shaving. It costs a little more to have it done by a professional, but it’s generally faster, better, and far less painful than trying to do it yourself.

Step 4

Consider electrolysis. With electrolysis, a needle is stuck into the hair follicle and an electric current is applied at the root. The electric current burns the hair at the root and prevents it from re-growing. This is a costly and time-consuming process, as each follicle must be burned separately and you may need several treatments.

Step 5

Try laser treatments. Lasers will get rid of the hair on your buttocks by emitting a light with different wavelengths and pulses. The laser targets the melanin in your hair follicle, burning it until it cannot re-grow hair. Like electrolysis, laser treatments must be done by professionals and can be both costly and time-consuming.

Step 6

Use sugar wax. Sugar wax is very much like traditional wax, but it’s easier to clean up. Sugar wax is water-soluble and doesn’t stick and dry to your skin like traditional wax does.