How to Remove Dark Spots From Razor Bumps & Ingrown Hairs


Ingrown hairs and razor bumps can leave behind small scars that are evidenced by dark discoloration of the skin. This is caused by scar tissue and increased melanin production at the injury site. These spots fade after time, but it may take months for them to completely vanish. Treating these darkened spots at home may speed up the healing process and provide a flawless skin tone.

Step 1

Apply aloe vera to the spots. Aloe vera is a natural antibiotic and helps promote skin healing while preventing further infection or scarring. It also soothes any residual discomfort that may be present by cooling the area.

Step 2

Take 500mg of vitamin C per day or eat plenty of foods containing vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and tomatoes. Vitamin C speeds the healing process of the damaged scar tissue according to Deborah S. Sarnoff, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University in New York City, in “The Doctors Book of Home Remedies.”

Step 3

Apply lemon juice to the dark spots to fade them. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent for the skin. Apply the lemon to cover the dark spot completely avoiding the surrounding skin. Allow the lemon to absorb into the skin and repeat this process daily until the dark spots have faded.

Step 4

Exfoliate the skin daily to slough off the outer dead skin cells and expose fresh skin. If you exfoliated regularly, it will lighten the spotting until it is no longer noticeable.

Step 5

Use warm water to open up the pores and soften the hair when shaving the affected area. This will prevent further razor burn and ingrown hairs by allowing for easier hair removal. Reintroduction of infection will worsen dark spots. Keeping this from happening will help them heal properly.