About Problems Caused by Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hairs occur when hair that is cut short, shaved, plucked or waxed curves either into the wall of the hair follicle or back into the skin. This condition is most common among African-American men but can occur in anyone, especially those with curly hair, states the Mayo Clinic. Ingrown hairs can lead to other skin conditions that may require additional treatments.


Scarring is possible if you have chronic ingrown hairs or if you scratch ingrown hairs. When you scratch the area, there is a chance that bacteria will enter the small lesions caused by scratching. This may lead to infection, which can lead to scarring. Trying to pick out an ingrown hair that is embedded in the skin can also lead to scarring. African-Americans who suffer from ingrown hairs are likely to suffer from thick scars called keloids, states the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Early treatment of ingrown hairs can help to minimize the risk of scarring.


Hyperpigmentation is a darkening of the skin that is associated with ingrown hairs, especially chronic ingrown hairs, according to the Mayo Clinic. Some cases of hyperpigmentation can be treated using over-the-counter skin-lightening products. African-Americans should consult a dermatologist when choosing a skin lightening product, as some products may cause other conditions. Some cases won’t respond to skin-lightening products and must be treated with prescription medications or laser treatments.


Folliculitis is a bacterial infection that is caused by ingrown hair, according to the Merck Manual Home Edition. It occurs when bacteria is introduced into the ingrown hair follicle. Folliculitis requires prescription antibiotics to help control the infection. In addition to the prescription treatment, it is usually necessary to avoid shaving until the infection and ingrown hairs are completely healed. A person who suffers from chronic ingrown hairs and folliculitis may need bacterial cultures so the doctor can find out what bacterium is causing the infection so an effective treatment plan can be developed.